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A strange dream - I was about to get robbed

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posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 01:42 PM
I hope this is the right forum.
So I went to sleep for a couple of hours and I had a nightmare that a man and a woman want to enter our house, they were scratching the door, they were trying to break it and break into our home. At the end of the dream they went away, and I told my mom to call the police and she did it. What does this mean?

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 02:24 PM
Here is what I think it means. All people or characters in dreams are, for the most part, manifestations of ourself or repressed parts of ourselves.

A man and a woman attempting a robbery, I suspect represents the left and right, male/female, sun/moon re-integrative elements attempting to gain entry, or to become a new aspect of yourself, with awareness, but "they" need to gain access to the depths of the unconscious in order to become re-integrated, and your "self" aspect became alerted to the intrusion and manifested it as an attempted robbery.

It's an image of wholeness and unity attempting to break into the sphere of consciousness and unconsciousness, and that it was a memorable dream, indicates that this archetype would like your attention.

Therefore, I would say it's a positive thing, and that it is signalling a psychic change or transformation in favour of wholeness, unity, and re-integration - but, such a process would require your permission, to gain access, otherwise it's just an attempted robbery.. yuor "house" being your whole consciousness, or, your "self" which would be a more narrow field.

That's my best guesstimate as to what it means and signifies, based on my understanding of Jungian psychotherapy.

Have you by chance, recently taken up meditation or made use of a binaural beat brainwave entrainment soundtrack, because if so, that would explain the man and woman aspect wanting to gain access.

edit on 9-12-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 02:28 PM
Oh I forgot to mention, that those people were both obese.

P.S. The last few years were the worst in my life - no friends, no love, only loneliness.
And no, I didn't use any medication, I was on ATS before going for a nap. The TV was on and my android phone was near me.
edit on 9-12-2010 by imnessie because: edit

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by imnessie

What's your feeling towards them..?

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 02:31 PM
I felt angry that they are intrusive and want to enter our home. Our home looked very different in my dream than it is in reality. At some point they started using a saw at the door, which is a disruptive behavior.
edit on 9-12-2010 by imnessie because: ...

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 02:47 PM
I have another take on it..

Sounds like you are not very trusting of others and may be somewhat starved (for love and friendship), while they are fat. Bearing in mind that these things are almost always nothing but repressed aspects of ourselves, my suggestion would be to let them in next time, as I don't think they want to take anything away, or rob you, but simply would like to gain access and be included in your house, since they are after all, parts of you..

edit on 9-12-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 03:05 PM
How can I trust other when they don't trust me and they ignore me?!

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by imnessie
How can I trust other when they don't trust me and they ignore me?!

Trust your self and try to foster unconditional love for everyone, and then move out, even if at first in fear and trembling, and you will overcome. Take a course which will force human interaction, like public speaking or something, move out of your comfort zone and get busy loving others, then you'll break it down and come to realize that it's always more blessed to give, than to recieve.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 03:38 PM
I trust myself but I've never had luck with friends - they always turned out to be scumbags that can't be trusted.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 03:57 PM
You missed the point i was trying to make regarding the expansion of the realm of the self, which begins and ends with you. We must never stop trying, even in the face of adversity ie: scumbags, not even for the sake of getting love, or assuaging our lonliness, but to try to become the solution to the problem, the failure of love in the world.
If you can do it, given your difficulties and challenges, then that's heroic imo, and is sufficient to give us all hope. I pray for you, dear lonely person, that you can do it, and then at some point, you will be amazed at what starts coming back to you, multiplied.
Plesae don't give up on people. They don't know what they are doing.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 04:21 PM
I have had dreams about intruders and looked it all up before. I don't have time to do that again now but perhaps later I will be able to go through what i did find and give you an opinion.

I had strange dreams today... they felt very "under direction" and a bit testy. It reminded me though that there are some drawings I want to see. I believe I have seen one. I am curious to see the rest if there are more.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 05:16 PM
@NewAgeMan, there's no solution as of now. I'm a university student at a really, really small town with a population about 3000-4500. Everything here is so boring. The university branch here is a small one, so there are very few students here. My colleagues at university are too stuck up, they are snobbish and they are difficult to deal with. So I've got no friends at all since 2007, when I became a student over here. High school was so much better. Actually, the best years of my life till now were in high school. Being lonely is one of the things I hate the most and that makes me want to become bad, nasty and rude to people around me.
edit on 9-12-2010 by imnessie because: ...

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by imnessie
Being lonely is one of the things I hate the most and that makes me want to become bad, nasty and rude to people around me.

Please forgive me, I don't know precisely why, but that comment made me burst out laughing!

I hope you can laugh with me about this..

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
I hope you can laugh with me about this..

Err no, actually.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by imnessie

Well, can you see the self reinforcing absurdity of the predicament.. ?

Don't get me wrong I often feel the same way, where I think everyone ought to love me, and I cannot understand why they don't, even perfect strangers! LOVE ME!

But I've done some of the reflective work around it (I'm 43 now) and have come to realize that I've been approaching it all wrong, and that instead I must be the missing love, for myself and others, or there will be no hope of getting the love I need, and that is something I can take responsibility for. In fact, to give love IS to recieve it, and so I am very fortunate, you could say, to have the sense that there is a severe deficit in love, and this recognition it causes a wellspring to arise in me, and then the whole world and everything and everyone starts to look different.

Now I just see suffering people all around me, lacking in love and who need the love that I have to offer, not the other way around, and it never works that way anyway, our expectations of course always let us down, and so we might get lonelier and angrier and meaner, badder, nastier, and thus ever more lonely and lacking in love, a black hole of sorts, from which it appears there's no escape, and that, my friend, would be a grave error.

So I would say to you, don't waste your life like this, with this POV, and get busy loving anyone and everyone, because if you cannot love even the unlovable, then you don't have the real deal, capable of altering the entire frame of reference, both for yourselves and for those most in need. LIke I said, forgive them for they know not what they do. And if some of them are dead, then leave them, and don't look back, but for God's sake, don't waste time and energy letting the bad ones turn you into something even worse than they are! Think about it!

edit on 9-12-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by imnessie

Well, can you see the self reinforcing absurdity of the predicament.. ?

Don't get me wrong I often feel the same way, where I think everyone ought to love me, and I cannot understand why they don't, even perfect strangers! LOVE ME!

But I've done some of the reflective work around it (I'm 43 now) and have come to realize that I've been approaching it all wrong, and that instead I must be the missing love, for myself and others, or there will be no hope of getting the love I need, and that is something I can take responsibility for. In fact, to give love IS to recieve it, and so I am very fortunate, you could say, to have the sense that there is a severe deficit in love, and this recognition it causes a wellspring to arise in me, and then the whole world and everything and everyone starts to look different.

Now I just see suffering people all around me, lacking in love and who need the love that I have to offer, not the other way around, and it never works that way anyway, our expectations of course always let us down, and so we might get lonelier and angrier and meaner, badder, nastier, and thus ever more lonely and lacking in love, a black hole of sorts, from which it appears there's no escape, and that, my friend, would be a grave error.

So I would say to you, don't waste your life like this, with this POV, and get busy loving anyone and everyone, because if you cannot love even the unlovable, then you don't have the real deal, capable of altering the entire frame of reference, both for yourselves and for those most in need. LIke I said, forgive them for they know not what they do. And if some of them are dead, then leave them, and don't look back, but for God's sake, don't waste time and energy letting the bad ones turn you into something even worse than they are! Think about it!

edit on 9-12-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

This is good advice and I do believe it... in most circumstances. Actually all should practice it any chance they get especially when it's the hardest... not so easy to do.

I also do believe though that in certain situations, the giving of what is asked of a person can be too much... and people will take and take and take until the person they are taking from is spent, but others will continue to try that person, push that person to their limits.

Do you think there is never a time to stand up for limits? that there is never a time when you feel you should teach others that you've had quite enough? If you don't, do the selfish learn?
edit on 9-12-2010 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:13 AM
How can I show love to others when they ignore it?

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by imnessie
How can I show love to others when they ignore it?

Keep doing it until you get tired of doing it?

I believe in natural processes. For example, some people are afraid of giving love because they fear something will be taken from them... too much, but you have to believe in your own natural processes. That you can get over stuff... that it's worse to regret something you didn't do that maybe you could have done but you didn't and now you are unsure if you could have made any differences in whatever it is. Same goes with love that you DO give that is not reciprocated. maybe you give and it has no effect, no response. Was it unclear? Did you not give enough? Should you go ahead and get hurt now or assume that maybe there was something you misunderstood about the other persons/peoples actions? Be diligent in your search for certainty... so that when you do have to give up, you will be sure... and you will have nothing to regret and you will know you tried your best. It's easy advice to give, much harder to live up to... but if you can hold onto that thought in low moments it might help with just another step... and that extra step might land you somewhere happy... but you know what they say, it's all about the journey. It's about how you play the game.

it's funny i should even be saying this because when i give up on someone, it generally doesn't take me long to be certain... but i always find myself diving headfirst into things. Some think i must be out of my mind and are not sure what to do. Like if i have a job even if it doesn't pay #... i want to do it right and I want to do it the best i can and I want to be worth more than I am paid so that there is no feeling of loss for the one who employed me, but rather a sense of gain. Sometimes they appreciate it. Sometimes they ASSUME I am so desperate that i will never quit no matter much they take advantage. I make mental notes... if no one cares to ask, I keep them to myself. If they do ask and I tell but they don't listen, the result is the same... if nothing changes I walk out the door like it's just another day. Some may think it hasty but maybe they weren't paying attention. same in relationships. I go into it with my terms understood and my enthusiasm very well in tact... if it doesn't go how i think it should, I make mental notes. many people do and if no one cares to try to read them, whose fault is that? I try to read others... I worry about all these things. If one takes you for granted you give till you can't give anymore and if you're not ready to give up- don't. It's all in the notes. You'll keep looking over those notes from time to time but sooner or later those notes will tell you when it's time to quit putting effort into what you are doing and you know if you do it a second too soon, you might regret it... so don't, but when you are ready to direct your efforts to something else, do so with conviction.

Someone ignoring you? maybe you need to make something more apparent. Don't expect people to read minds and understand the meaning of all your actions. make them know. make them understand and if that doesn't work... fvck 'em. No sense in playing around with it. Get in their face about it... ever so politely, but express the feelings you are trying to convey and believe that if it doesn't go well that you can turn around and walk the other way and take the thought with you that you did yourself justice and at least you are not wasting time on people who don't care. It may hurt for a little bit but you did yourself a favor. It's worse to be suspended, hanging in uncertainty.
edit on 10-12-2010 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 06:26 AM
When I give, they regard me as an intruder.
How cool is that?

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by imnessie
When I give, they regard me as an intruder.
How cool is that?

That's not cool at all. Could you give more specifics? I don't want to try to give too much advice and it be taken the wrong way because I didn't understand the situation but I'd say if someone is treating you that way, whatever you are doing is unwanted attention and you should back away. Maybe it's just about the approach you are using or maybe it is the whole idea. This is why more specifics would be better. Is this a romantic type of things or just people you care about not in a romantic sense... like family. If you could point to a specific scenario, that would be even better. If this is an ongoing trend, could you give a few examples... and tell me why you think this is happening? I'm certainly not saying I can fix your problem but I will certainly give you an honest opinion and I do like to try to see things from multiple angles... go over all the possibilities of why it happens and things like that. Sometimes others are able to think of things that a person didn't think of.

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