posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 08:09 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they did this last year too? That's when they started destroying social programs and community essentials wasn't it?
So what they gonna cut this time around?
Unfortunately, this isn't just California. This is spreading to every regional and national government.
As Gerald Celente and several economists around the world stated two years ago, the bail-out bubble WILL burst and all this fake stimulus will
evaporate. No financial system is on the mend. They are all doomed and it was nothing more than a whitewash.
Just watch. Any day now you'll see the limos leaving. The wealthy elites will depart the cities for their island getaways and they'll take all their
gold with them as the financial system collapses around the world.
As that happens, we should be making sure none of those responsible get away.