posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 08:38 PM
The only reason, and I do mean the only reason. I (and I think many more American's) support Wikileaks, is… my government has, and is, completely
ignoring the Constitution. Nineteen non Americans flew 3 planes into three buildings and one into the ground in Pennsylvania… and because of
that… now every single American is guilty until proven innocent. Because of that attack, our rights and our privacy have been taken away. Because
19 non Americans committed a crime, so now every American is being held hostage by our government. 100 percent of the country is being treated like
terrorists because we believe in the Constitution. 100 percent of Americans are being treated like terrorists under 24/7 surveillance, because we
believe in Freedom. 100 percent of Americans have been told we have no right to stand for our rights to be free, because they demand safety is first.
People in government have the right to read my emails without asking me or a judge. People in government have the right to tap my phones and grab my
balls without telling me what my crime is. There are over fifty Fusion Centers creating a file on 100 percent of Americans deciding who might be
naughty while denying 99.99 percent of the world would never harm anyone who is innocent. Yet 100 percent of us are guilty and treated as such by 100
percent of our government. Well if I can't have privacy, then screw the government. You are below the people not above us, and by god, I hope like
hell Wikileaks has information that will force WE THE PEOPLE to send you bastards to prison or straight to hell.
If we still had our freedoms, I would be against this release... But seeing how I can't have privacy simply because some dumbass says I don't deserve
it... then I'm just giddy there is some other dumbass saying the government doesn't deserve to have privacy either. I just love the fact these people
in government get to feel just as helpless as its citizens… And I will do everything I can to make sure when it's released everyone I know has a
copy. Two wrongs don't make a right... but sometimes, turn about is not only fair play, it puts a big ass smile on your face... this is one of those
--Charles Marcello
edit on 8-12-2010 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)