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Originally posted by TheCatalyst
Originally posted by LL1
We should never use a blanket statement for what some may
do to cover an entire group of people.
Who do you think translates for gov't. agencies the terrorists messages????
Did anybody look at this link? By the way, I am Arab/Muslim. It's been interesting reading this thread.
Originally posted by JediMaster
We should send him tot he "Deny Ignorance Bootcamp".
------>>>>>>>>>>>>While Europeans (whites) made the most contributions to soceity, so did Arabs and Asians.
Arabs made alot of scientific advances in medicine and astromony. They devolped good tactics for combat, such as some of the battles Saladin fought in the Third Crusade.
------>>>>IMHO, this thread should be kept under tight surveilence by the mods, I sense a possible
----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>drama bomb.
Originally posted by LL1
Originally posted by JediMaster
We should send him tot he "Deny Ignorance Bootcamp".
------>>>>>>>>>>>>While Europeans (whites) made the most contributions to soceity, so did Arabs and Asians.
Arabs made alot of scientific advances in medicine and astromony. They devolped good tactics for combat, such as some of the battles Saladin fought in the Third Crusade.
IMHO, this thread should be kept under tight surveilence by the mods, I sense a possible drama bomb. are about to explode...
Originally posted by JediMaster
CAN YOU READ?YOU SAID---->>>>>>In you post you directed towards me "you are going to explode" and had
YOU SAID----->>>>>>>arrows going to a comment about "white advances". It never
WHAT?---->>>>>>seemed to me that you were trolling me
I NEVER SAID THAT---->>>>>>about being "racist" or some crap like that.
MISUNDERSTANDING?>>>>>I think you and I can assure that this was a misunderstanding?
Originally posted by TheCatalyst
Did anybody look at this link? By the way, I am Arab/Muslim. It's been interesting reading this thread.
Why is it i get all the warnings?
Originally posted by rustiswordz
Well sorry for playing Devils Advocate here but someone has to stand up to the forcibly imposed pollitically correct drivel of the EU.
Kilroy may be an attetion seeking fool
but hes one im prepared to listen to at the moment than the Attention Seeking fools currently in No 10 Downing Street.
And as for the Arabs/Asians, well when you are a Security Officer in a shopping mall have to deal with them on a daily basis theving out of shops (as do white kids and black kids ironically the orientals are the only well behaved ones!) then turning and screaming 'rasist, rasist' when you catch them swag IN HAND and they pull a blade on you and you have to bloody defend yourself, they talk to you in their own language (which according to a friend who speaksd the lingo is full of anti white, anti Christian rasist remarks) and the cops are too afraid to get involved because its a 'Muslim thing', you do wonder sometimes if we are not heading for an all out East West/ Muslim Christian war.
I fear that it is coming
Why is it a guy thinking Arabs havn't contributed to the world and a guy who thinks that Bush is in league with the illimunati to take over the world is different? Who makes the call?
Originally posted by StrangeLands
But it won't be "east vs. west," you small-minded bigot, it'll be us vs. you. It won't be fought on the streets, it'll be fought in the media and in the coffee shops and in the pubs and on boards like this. And we don't take prisoners.
Rascists are the last of a dying breed, and when you go, your right-wing vision of "Little England" goes with you.
And the sooner that happens, the better for everyone.
Originally posted by weirdo
People as l have said in previous post are not prepared to show there nationalist views for fear of being condemened as racist,they will come out when a political party such as the UKIP.This will cause race hate crime within the inner cities.This is already starting.If the labour or conservatives don`t start taking the majority of working class people serious this will cause the UKIP to become more popular
Originally posted by rustiswordz
Err did you not read my post above i have ASIAN FRIENDS, if i were a Rasist would i mix with such people.
Read my post properly before you call me a bigot, by calling me such and accusing me of being something im not you have reduced yourself and everyone like you down to my 'so called' level. Dont put words into my mouth again until you get to know me.