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Kilroy Silk was right

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posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:01 PM
We should send him tot he "Deny Ignorance Bootcamp".

While Europeans (whites) made the most contributions to soceity, so did Arabs and Asians.

Arabs made alot of scientific advances in medicine and astromony. They devolped good tactics for combat, such as some of the battles Saladin fought in the Third Crusade.

IMHO, this thread should be kept under tight surveilence by the mods, I sense a possible drama bomb.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by TheCatalyst

Originally posted by LL1
We should never use a blanket statement for what some may
do to cover an entire group of people.
Who do you think translates for gov't. agencies the terrorists messages????

Did anybody look at this link? By the way, I am Arab/Muslim. It's been interesting reading this thread.

Yes l read it.Interesting.Sorry if my views have offended you.It is not my intention to come across as a racist ignorant.I believe it is in everybodies interests that immigration is made tighter and that we should only accept people who are at risk in there country and when it is safe they should be made to return.Example is Iraqi there are people who we allowed into Britain because they were at risk.I believe it is in there countries interest that they rebuild there country.I believe it is wrong to bring Proffesional people in large numbers from one country as it could damage that countries economy.There are to many countries struggling such as India and yet we bring large numbers to our Health Sevice as we don`t have enough trained Doctors.This dosn`t cure the problem as we still arn`t training Doctors plus India needs health care service and taking there personnel can`t be good for them.If they have more Doctors or any other proffesionals it would be better to fund larger aid agencies to help in poor countries around the world.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:03 PM
Also on the whole Goth barbarian issue.

They are considered barbarians by the Romans, and through Roam text they have become barbarians in our eyes. The Goths were an important part in the history of Europe, they were just as violent and brutal as the Romans, Arabs, and Vikings.


posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
We should send him tot he "Deny Ignorance Bootcamp".

------>>>>>>>>>>>>While Europeans (whites) made the most contributions to soceity, so did Arabs and Asians.

Arabs made alot of scientific advances in medicine and astromony. They devolped good tactics for combat, such as some of the battles Saladin fought in the Third Crusade.

------>>>>IMHO, this thread should be kept under tight surveilence by the mods, I sense a possible
----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>drama bomb.

..."drama bomb" you are about to explode...

[edit on 4-7-2004 by LL1]


posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:01 PM
I don't think it was so much as you... that caused the flame here.
At least you are open.
But do you know that a majority of those cleaning up at the WTC (World Trade Center) site after 9/11 were day labours(foreigners) without the proper grear on, and no health insurance.

[edit on 4-7-2004 by LL1]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by LL1

Originally posted by JediMaster
We should send him tot he "Deny Ignorance Bootcamp".

------>>>>>>>>>>>>While Europeans (whites) made the most contributions to soceity, so did Arabs and Asians.

Arabs made alot of scientific advances in medicine and astromony. They devolped good tactics for combat, such as some of the battles Saladin fought in the Third Crusade.

IMHO, this thread should be kept under tight surveilence by the mods, I sense a possible drama bomb. are about to explode...

Do you mind explaining waht you ment by that? And how it exactly pretains to the topic?


posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Take a look @ what I pointed out for you. You did indicate the
mods should monitor the thread as you sense a drama bomb.
Tell me do you honesty believe what I have pointed out to you in your post?
I guess you do...

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:15 PM
In you post you directed towards me "you are going to explode" and had arrows going to a comment about white advances. It seemed to me that you were trolling me about being "racist" or some crap like that.

I think you and I can assure that this was a misunderstanding?


posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
CAN YOU READ?YOU SAID---->>>>>>In you post you directed towards me "you are going to explode" and had
YOU SAID----->>>>>>>arrows going to a comment about "white advances". It never

WHAT?---->>>>>>seemed to me that you were trolling me
I NEVER SAID THAT---->>>>>>about being "racist" or some crap like that.

MISUNDERSTANDING?>>>>>I think you and I can assure that this was a misunderstanding?

Read your first post again/slowly and carefully!
What was your suggestion to the mods?
To "monitor the thread you sense a "drama bomb!"
I stated the "drama bomb you would explode".
I never ever mentioned/stated "racist".
But since you have brought that up....(Freudian slip)
Didn't you state? "European (whites) have contributed the most".
Do the www. a big favor:
Do a Google search: European contributions in history...
Look what comes up!
Shocked aren't you!
I never called you a "racist".

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by TheCatalyst
Did anybody look at this link? By the way, I am Arab/Muslim. It's been interesting reading this thread.

And a little depressing as well....The modern world hasn't sunk in with some people yet..

gotta say though.. for all the arab achievements over the centuries.... what's on earth were they thinking with the bagpipes?!? I think you owe us some sort of apology for those infernal things !!

[edit on 3-7-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 08:26 PM
Kilroy Silk is nothing more than an attention seeker. Im still waiting for him to expose the corruption in Brussels. It will never happen. I reckon he'll go the same way as Icke.

Jesus was an Arab.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 12:54 AM

Why is it i get all the warnings?

because you are a fu*king idiot, spare us your mindless dribble, i feel stupider after having read your posts.

Personally i couldnt give a rats ass if the arab people have contributed anything to your society or not, they are humans who have shared this dirtball with us for thousands of years.

I cant believe someone like you exists, are the admins posting these messages just to keep everyone on their toes?

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 01:55 AM
Well sorry for playing Devils Advocate here but someone has to stand up to the forcibly imposed pollitically correct drivel of the EU. Kilroy may be an attetion seeking fool but hes one im prepared to listen to at the moment than the Attention Seeking fools currently in No 10 Downing Street.

And as for the Arabs/Asians, well when you are a Security Officer in a shopping mall have to deal with them on a daily basis theving out of shops (as do white kids and black kids ironically the orientals are the only well behaved ones!) then turning and screaming 'rasist, rasist' when you catch them swag IN HAND and they pull a blade on you and you have to bloody defend yourself, they talk to you in their own language (which according to a friend who speaksd the lingo is full of anti white, anti Christian rasist remarks) and the cops are too afraid to get involved because its a 'Muslim thing', you do wonder sometimes if we are not heading for an all out East West/ Muslim Christian war.

Fact is them and us are not compatible, its like a married couple in a small house, both Arabs/Muslims and the west will tread on each others toes. I have Asian friends and we both do agree on one thing, will we one day be forced to take up arms against each other? because i will defend my way of life as will my Asian friends defending theirs and that will be a dark day.

I fear that it is coming.

Rasism is a TWO edged sword. people talk so readily about whites being rasist against the Asians and Muslims, but it's the other way too oh yes by a LONG shot.

Its a chicken and the egg thing, who started it all the rasism, them or us, know one knows except for the truth, whites dont trust them, they dont trust us and where will it end? When hell freezes over im sad to say.

[edit on 4-7-2004 by rustiswordz]

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by rustiswordz
Well sorry for playing Devils Advocate here but someone has to stand up to the forcibly imposed pollitically correct drivel of the EU.

What "drivel" is that, Rusty? What exactly are you referring to?

Kilroy may be an attetion seeking fool

May be?

but hes one im prepared to listen to at the moment than the Attention Seeking fools currently in No 10 Downing Street.

Okay, so you admit that he's a self-serving career xenophobe, but you choose to listen to him because - oh, right, you agree with him. Well, that's fair and balanced.

And as for the Arabs/Asians, well when you are a Security Officer in a shopping mall have to deal with them on a daily basis theving out of shops (as do white kids and black kids ironically the orientals are the only well behaved ones!) then turning and screaming 'rasist, rasist' when you catch them swag IN HAND and they pull a blade on you and you have to bloody defend yourself, they talk to you in their own language (which according to a friend who speaksd the lingo is full of anti white, anti Christian rasist remarks) and the cops are too afraid to get involved because its a 'Muslim thing', you do wonder sometimes if we are not heading for an all out East West/ Muslim Christian war.

Because shoplifting kids are indiciative of a whole racial group, aren't they? You don't think they're little bastards because they're shoplifting, you condemn them because of the colour of their skin.

I fear that it is coming

You're right. There is a war coming. Neighbour will be pitted against neighbour, family against family. Those who are a threat to free democracy and peaceful expression will be made to answer for their hatred and ignorance.

But it won't be "east vs. west," you small-minded bigot, it'll be us vs. you. It won't be fought on the streets, it'll be fought in the media and in the coffee shops and in the pubs and on boards like this. And we don't take prisoners.

Rascists are the last of a dying breed, and when you go, your right-wing vision of "Little England" goes with you.

And the sooner that happens, the better for everyone.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 10:42 AM

Wake up racists are not a dieing breed.And it is not being fought at all.People as l have said in previous post are not prepared to show there nationalist views for fear of being condemened as racist,they will come out when a political party such as the UKIP.This will cause race hate crime within the inner cities.This is already starting.If the labour or conservatives don`t start taking the majority of working class people serious this will cause the UKIP to become more popular

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 10:46 AM
Popular...possibly, but effective, never. They are a one trick pony. They have no other policy than to promote xenophobia. After that they have nothing. No economic policy, no taxation policy, no defence policy.

Just rhetoric.

zero lift

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 11:20 AM
I tend to agree with the post that this is censorship. You have people bashing this guy, who said some pretty inflammatory remarks. This is what is supposed to happen to a certain degee, not having a mod, who quotes "Gandhi as an Arab" giving the guy warnings for calling names, or just berating the guy for his lack of "correct" thinking. It all smacks of political correctness and fascism. This is a conspiracy web site, there are bound to be kooky people posting, don't ya think? Hello?

The whole point of Deny Ignorance is, to me, to point out errors in logic (or lack of it) not, attack people for speaking what they think is the Truth. Fight ignorance with facts. You won't change minds by stepping on the Ignorant, all your doing is bolstering your own ego "I'm better than you are, let me show you how powerful I am." Why is it a guy thinking Arabs havn't contributed to the world and a guy who thinks that Bush is in league with the illimunati to take over the world is different? Who makes the call?

I only saw one post where someone named names of Arabs that they thought were important people. The first 6 posts after his original post were diatribes about his ignorance, asking how he could be allowed to post, etc. etc. and a few posts about Arab contributions from the Middle Ages. All it ended up doing was giving two opposite sides of the same coin to me.


[edit on 7/4/2004 by Variable]

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 11:28 AM
variable wrote

Why is it a guy thinking Arabs havn't contributed to the world and a guy who thinks that Bush is in league with the illimunati to take over the world is different? Who makes the call?

Well for a start, one is a sweeping racist generalisation, and one isn't.

zero lift

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by StrangeLands

But it won't be "east vs. west," you small-minded bigot, it'll be us vs. you. It won't be fought on the streets, it'll be fought in the media and in the coffee shops and in the pubs and on boards like this. And we don't take prisoners.

Rascists are the last of a dying breed, and when you go, your right-wing vision of "Little England" goes with you.

And the sooner that happens, the better for everyone.

Err did you not read my post above i have ASIAN FRIENDS, if i were a Rasist would i mix with such people. Read my post properly before you call me a bigot, by calling me such and accusing me of being something im not you have reduced yourself and everyone like you down to my 'so called' level. Dont put words into my mouth again until you get to know me.

PS: I may be white as a sheet now blond hair blue eyes and swear like a London cockney boy now but my ansestors were Romany Gypsies and do you where they came from origonally: AFGANISTAN!


posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by weirdo
People as l have said in previous post are not prepared to show there nationalist views for fear of being condemened as racist,they will come out when a political party such as the UKIP.This will cause race hate crime within the inner cities.This is already starting.If the labour or conservatives don`t start taking the majority of working class people serious this will cause the UKIP to become more popular

I have to disagree with a couple of your points there, weirdo. Although most rascists try and pass themselves off as "nationalists", true nationalists are not necessarily prejuidiced in any way. Authentic, rational nationalism is easily distinguishable from the gutter-level BNP standard if you are prepared to listen to what is being said - and what is not being said. Nationalism can be a good and noble thing, but rascism wrapped up in a Union jack (or, more often, a George Cross) should never be acceptable.

I'm also slightly concerned about your last point about the "working class". Are you suggesting that the working class is more rascist/more nationalist than the middle or upper classes? In my experience, I have found the majority of working class people are generous and warm-hearted - rascism, and prejuidice of every other variety, is most common in the homes of middle class NIMBYs.

You do make an interesting point about British political life, however. As has been discussed on other threads, I am sure that the recent "rise" of the UKIP will force the Conservative party to adopt a more right-wing, nationalist, anti-EU manifesto come the next General Election. Blair is so terrified of making enemies that we've been denied a real conversation on Britain's future, particularly with regard to multiculturalism, immigration and the EU. I may be a pro-EU liberal, but I despair of the far (fascist) right's adoption of the nationalist cause as much as you do.

The debate is long overdue. Thank God for ATS!

Originally posted by rustiswordz
Err did you not read my post above i have ASIAN FRIENDS, if i were a Rasist would i mix with such people.

It's an easy thing to say, Rusty, but when you offer it as an apology for your blatantly rascist comment about asian teenagers it lacks a certain credibility.

Read my post properly before you call me a bigot, by calling me such and accusing me of being something im not you have reduced yourself and everyone like you down to my 'so called' level. Dont put words into my mouth again until you get to know me.

I make my judgements based on what you have posted. I'm fully prepared to apologise for calling you a bigot when I see evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately, in our meetings here on ATS, I have seen you voice distasteful opinions on ethnic minorities and our European neighbours.

Here's an idea: if you are truly without prejuidice, then, instead of tacking "I am not a rascist" on the end of your bigotted polemic, write non-rascist posts.

Prove me wrong, and I'll apologise, but it's going to take more than "some of my best friends are foreigners".

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