In August of this year, I moved to a new apartment with a roommate. 2 bedroom, 2 bath relatively modern place. Ever since moving in my roommate and
I have felt that something is "amiss" in the place, but we never really thought much of it. That all started to change this week with separate
incidents. Pictures and audio recordings will follow this weekend, as we plan on investigating EVP, and trying to get photos of "something" this
weekend. So stay tuned for that if this intrigues you. Here are the separate events.
November 11th: Roommate recorded strange noises coming from the back hallway. Went to investigate. His door was open a crack. Didn't think
much of it.
November 30th: I was sitting in the living room when I noticed a brief shadow on the hallway wall. Went back to look, figured it was
headlights or something
December 1st: Roommate's friend Tyler claims to see something move out of the corner of his eye in front of my bedroom door. I was asleep at
the time.
December 4th: I get up around 3:00 a.m. to go to the bathroom. My bathroom door is wide open, I never leave it open.
Decembewr 6th, 11:30 p.m.: Roommate was in the living room with three friends including his girlfriend Chelsea, and Tyler as mentioned
previously. Tyler and his other friend Zach are not spiritual by any means, but aren't hardcore atheists or anything. Chelsea is sitting at our
kitchen table. In the corner of her eye she sees a mist-like figure standing in front of my door staring out into the living room. When she turns to
look at it, it disappears. It rematerializes immediately when she looks away.
December 7th, 12:30 a.m.: Zach is grabbing a beer from the fridge. As he does, he sees the same figure out of the corner of his eye. Once he
turns, it again is gone.
December 7th, 2:00 a.m.: My roommate is going to bed with his girlfriend. When he shuts his door, he suddenly hears a doorknob from the
outside hall turn, and a door creak open. He immediately opens his door, and sees that my bathroom door is suddenly open.
Though Zach did see the ghost, he really couldn't describe it. Chelsea, who is spiritual, had a pretty good description. It's a young woman, with
a long gown or dress, long brown hair, and a white veil of some sorts on her head. She described her almost as looking like she is at a wedding or
something. Everytime the spirit has been sighted, it has been standing outside of my bedroom door. I've made a chart of sightings and incidents
from our floor plan:
My Issue: Though this may sound benevolent, or like some sort of guardian, I don't think it is my spirit guide/guardian angel, and that
worries me. Why is she always standing outside of my bedroom? Why am I the only who hasn't seen her? Though it may not feel like a demon, and may
seem benvolent, I am pretty worried about this and would appreciate any insight people have in dealing with entities like this.
- If it is my spirit guide, why did she feel it necessary to reveal herself to my roommates and friends?
- if it isn't a spirit guide, why is it guarding my door? Why is it protecting me?
- Why did it feel necessary to open a bathroom door, if that is indeed what happened?
Thare are a few other concerns I have, like how did I let this thing in? Everytime I go home from work to my apartment, I've never felt alone.
It's not like I've felt somebody is watching me, but I have always felt a presence or something with me. We are holding a seance/cleansing/etc this
weekend which will include attempted EVP and photos. We will be using Salvia 20x Extract as well to assist with contacting the spirit realm, but we
will be saving it until the "official" work is done. I will follow up then with more information. Until then, any experiences like mine would
help, and explain how you got rid of it. Obviously, if it a spirit guide or benevolent spirit, then our cleansing will not work, and it will remain
in place. I don't want to make a benevolent spirit feel unwelcome, but at the same time if it is something that is "stuck" between dimensions I
feel obligated to help it on it's way. Anyone else have similar experiences to share?