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"For as long as space remains, and for as long as wandering beings remain, may I, too, remain for that long, dispelling the sufferings of wandering beings." - Shantideva
"There are two capital things in our Gnostic studies:
"First, to remember ourselves, that is to say, to remember our own Being and second, the relaxation of the body.
"To remember oneself and to relax the body is something that we have to do constantly."
- Samael Aun Weor
I think the key issue is not to give in to the "lower" desires, means lust. To my experience, that drops the vibrational frequency of the individual and slows down the rise of the resonance that (to my experience) is the nature of higher states. Theres nothing really wrong about that, it's like tumbling down the stairs and having to start all over
"They do not achieve anything in these studies. Grey Tantra was symbolized in Greek mythology by Sisyphus, who after struggling intensely to raise the boulder of sex upon a hill, would subsequently drop it down to the bottom again. If you want to raise the sexual energy of Yesod to the mount of your skull, you must never drop it. To do so is to lose all your previous work."
Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Tryptych
Question: How much sorrow can the joy of realization bear..?
Originally posted by Tamahu
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy
In the context of what I've quoted and posted in this thread, I agree with everything you've written there.
The reason why it is said "in the context of what I've quoted and posted in this thread" is because according to the Gnostic tradition, Krishnamurti is a genuine Bodhisattva; yet he did not deliver the complete message, due to certain psychological traumas that were inflicted upon him by well-intentioned members of the Theosophical Society.
If we consider that Buddhism is "divided" (for lack of a better term) into Nine Vehicles (see my posts on page one of this thread), Krishnamurti seems to have taught aspects of the First, Second, Third, and Ninth Vehicles of Buddhism; but not the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Vehicles.
The Nine Yanas are:
Shravakayana, Pratyekayana, Bodhisattva, Kriyayoga, Charyayoga–Upayoga–Upayayoga, Yoga-Tantra, Mahayoga, Anuyoga, Atiyoga (Atiyoga being known as Mahasandhi, Dzogchen, or Thigle-Chenpo)
These said Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Vehicles (Tantrayana) of Buddhism contain crucial tools, that are very useful for understanding our Being, and also for understanding how our egos work (the egos are very tricky and sly).
If we think that we can comprehend all of our conflicting desires and beliefs (kleshas or klesas and klishtas or klistas) or egos (for they are a legion, not just one) without Chaste Sexual Transmutation, then we ought to examine why we think this.
Genuine Meditation is the Heart of the Doctrine; yet proper Transmutation is the Foundation for deep Meditation.
Tantrayana teaches that lust is extreme, and that sexual suppression is also extreme.
Transmutation, Alchemy (Tantra), is the Middle Way.
The above is why I suggested the books by Samael Aun Weor in your Gold Mind thread. The chapter from one of the said books, on The Krishnamurti Case, can be found in its entirety HERE, if you're interested.
edit on 10-12-2010 by Tamahu because: edited text
Originally posted by RRokkyy
The problem with this teaching from Weor and all those pre Adi Da is we are being told what we need to do BUT NOT HOW TO DO IT.
Originally posted by RRokkyy
Here we have the Mystical Path to Enlightenment, yet there really is no evidence that it works and produces Enlightened beings because the number of such beings is so low. A great many people perhaps millions, try this path and only a handful reach Realization
A Confusing Matter: The Mistake of the Gods
Concerning The Kundabuffer Organ, Lemuria And The Fall Of Humanity! (see post #10)
Are We, Or Aren't We The Only Messed Up Planet? (see posts #3, #5, and #7)
Originally posted by Tamahu
Samael Aun Weor taught literally hundreds of practices for us to be able to actually do it.
Not that we have to practice all of them. It is just that he gave us so many various actual practices (not intellectual theories) to choose from, because various individuals have different idiosyncrasies. Although there are certain core practices that are foundational and essential.
The only evidence that it works, is seen by actually doing it ourselves. The Esoteric Path, has only been publicly hinted at and taught publicly in veiled-form prior to the writing of The Perfect Matrimony. And the reason for this is karma.
It is even said that Samael Aun Weor only taught–in his 70 books and dozens of lectures–3% of what he knew, in order to provide the keys for entering Initiation.
It seems that Adi Da's teachings were trying to express what was taught by Jiddu Krishnamurti and also the Dzogchen teachings. Although if you're interested in learning about real Dzogchen (Adi-Yoga), you could go back in this thread and read the post where the Dalai Lama is quoted in regard to what he said about Adiyoga (Dzogchen).
Anyhow, it is not that the authentic Tantric methods and other authentic practices don't work. It is simply that many people are not aware of them. And the ones who are aware of them, usually aren't consistent with their daily, and moment to moment practices. They are not consistent, due to so much desire and also because of defeatism. Nevertheless, it must be possible to enter Initiation–despite the extremely psychologically heavy atmosphere of this planet–in order to attain Nirvana in one lifetime.
From what I've learned, our planet is unique in that it happens to have perhaps the heaviest karma out of all of the planets in the galaxy.
Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Looks like we have the makings for a classic spiritual showdown here, between that of
Samael Aun Weor vs. Adi Da
And I was of the impression that this thread had long ago served its purpose.
pulling down the mic - Ladies and Gentlemen...
Originally posted by RRokkyy
And the Maharishi gave a unique and worthless Mantra to each student for a large fee. Hundreds of practices are all the nasty disciplines as described by Adi Da. No doubt if you fail at the first 100 they will tell you to try the next hundred for a fee of course. And even if you like the nasty discipline,staring at the spot on the floor forever,or thinking about koans til mad, that doesnt make them the Truth.
Originally posted by RRokkyy
Being that we are the First Men and Women to produce an advanced civilization I say it is that we are not Evolved Biologically for Enlightenment.
Lucifer (Post #7)
From a Buddhist perspective, there are two perspectives which are like two trees that share the same roots. To explain it Kabbalistically, we can say that the true nature of a thing is the Ain Soph, which transcends duality, the perceiver and perceived etc. That is the Seity. On the other hand, under the Absolute, within the created and manifested universe, duality is the seed of everything that seems to exist. The problem occurs when you don't understand both of these perspectives. If you forget about the Seity, then you believe that everything is happening and occuring as it seems to be happening according to your so-called awareness--this is the root ignorance and this is why the ego becomes identified. On the other hand, if we were to think that there isn't relative existence and that dualism is a lie, then we ignore the understanding of the mechanics of the manifested universe (which leads again into delusion) and therefore could not ever attain liberation from the mechanics of this universe. Therefore, in order to be liberated or above Good and Evil, you must have the Knowledge of Good and Evil....
Lucifer begins in the Absolute. He (It) begins in the Omeyocan, where there exists only the YOALLI-EHECATL (Darkness and Wind).
When Lucifer (the light that comes from fire or INRI) descends, he (Lucifer, Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl etc) illuminates the manifested universe and creates every world, dimension, sephirah, realm etc.
He takes his seat at the right hand of God (Chockmah). Then, out of compassion and sacrifice sends forth his light to continue his creative work.
He establishes every corner of creation. He is Light and Sound. He descends into matter. When he descends into matter, he activates movement within the dead, uncreated matter. Thus, life can flourish within the worlds of four elements (giving every Being, or particular individual aspects of this Light a chance to realize Itself).
Inside the living terrestrial beings of one, two and three brains, Lucifer dwells inside as their fire (sexual creative energy). Inside of matter, Lucifer becomes a shadow (the Light Shineth In Darkness...). Inside the minds of Humanoids, the light becomes trapped within shells (Klippoth, egos etc.) and thus transforms into Satan, the enemy of the Light.
Lucifer then recognizes this. Lucifer gives the oppertunity for this, because Lucifer is Light and Fire. Lucifer gives the soul the ability to recognize oneself in the darkness and even become liberated from it. Thus, with Lucifer, Satan was created. With Lucifer, Satan can be destroyed. With Lucifer we can become lost in the abyss. With Lucifer we can reach the highest heights of creation.
We should not be afraid of Lucifer. His potency is inside of our sexual glands but his essence is in everything created.
Do you understand this?
Daath, the Doorway to Knowledge (1): The Dalai Lama talks explicitly about eliminating the ego.
Audience: He says it is illusion.
Instructor: It is illusion, but it is real, too. This is the problem, and this is the same problem that certain Tibetan schools propagate. Yes, the ego is illusion, it is maya, but that does not mean it is without matter or energy. This is the fundamental problem that happened in Buddhism centuries ago, and in Hinduism, that caused a great split in various schools. This is this intellectual debate about truth. The problem is that when you analyze the scriptures like Vedanta or Madhyamaka or certain tantric scriptures that talk about the nature of maya, or illusion, they state very clearly, especially in the higher schools like Dzogchen that the ego is illusion, so it does not exist. It is not real. Therefore, we should just awaken consciousness and disregard the ego. So a lot of these modern groups are taking that as their evidence.
What they fail to realize is that the teaching about the illusory ego belongs to the ninth yana, the highest tantra, and to reach that you have to have first comprehended all the previous yanas (vehicles), which state that the ego is real and must be eliminated. So, how do you resolve that apparent contradiction? True Dzogchen, Mahamudra, or Taoist practitioners do not ignore the ego. Someone who has genuinely consciously reached the level of working at that level has developed right view, which is the capacity to perceive prajna, wisdom. Prajna is the ability to see the two truths simultaneously. That person recognizes that conventional truth exists and so does ultimate truth. In other words, you have a physical body, but it does not exist. And there is no contradiction. You do have a physical body, but it is mostly empty air. The ego is the same. You have an ego, but it doesn’t exist.
Audience: It is impermanent.
Instructor: Well, it is impermanent, but avoiding it does not cause it to cease to exist. This is the misconception. There are certain tantric Buddhist groups who teach this, that you do not need to worry about the ego. They say you just awaken your consciousness, and do not worry about the ego. The result is they all awaken their consciousness but in the ego, and they do not realize it. They awaken their consciousness, but as demons, as devils.
Audience: The Dalai Lama said that the medicine is illusionary also, so it is like a magician that covers one illusion with another…
Instructor: It is true, but you have to see it at the level he is talking. He is talking about the highest tantra yoga, Dzogchen. From the perspective of Dzogchen, it is true. It is true, but until you can consciously with awakened consciousness perceive that, you are wasting your time. This is why, in all the ancient times, throughout centuries, those teachings were hidden, because we who are asleep cannot understand it. We who are asleep, who are blind, who have no spiritual vision, hear that the ego is illusion, we think, “Oh, good. I am ready to go to heaven.” No. We are asleep, and those teachings were hidden because we cannot understand until we awaken our consciosuness and can see consciously what those teachings mean. When we awaken, we can understand it a little bit, but it is not easy. Dzogchen and Mahamudra and the teachings that relay that profound knowledge are very difficult to grasp, even with the consciousness. With the intellect it is impossible, impossible. Unfortunately all these groups now are using those sacred teachings to mislead people.
Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy
Wow, thats a lot of good stuff. Thanks!
Yea, I read that Krishnamurti Case and it explained a lot to me which I did not know of him. I would agree in saying he was not complete in his teachings, and that Theosophical stuff prolly had something to do with that, but overall I think he was on the right track by saying all this studying and practice is more conditioning. Sometimes his frustration and/or Ego would get in the way of his teachings though, that is one thing I noticed, but I try and look passed that because he did offer so many great insights and ideas.
Thanks again!
Originally posted by filosophia
What is emptiness?
Form is emptiness. This means that whatever shape, color, or contour a thing takes, it is inherently empty, an illusion, a composite of different angles, measurements, and shades to make up what we perceive to be relative to an ideal archetype of a thing.
Emptiness is the natural state of existence. A nothingness. An emptiness devoid of any real being, any real self. Without the sun or any other energy, life would be a nothingness, it would be empty.
Nirvana is the realization of this truth of reality.
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born [Hei: womb] of water [Mem: sex] and of the Spirit [Shin: fire], he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." - John 3:5
The Fuel for Spiritual Experience (3): Bodhichitta
This book is recommended in the lecture: Bodhicharyavatara.
"Ah, Lord God, my holy Lover, when You come into my heart, all that is within me will rejoice. You are my glory and the exultation of my heart. You are my hope and refuge in the day of my tribulation. But because my love is as yet weak and my virtue imperfect, I must be strengthened and comforted by You. Visit me often, therefore, and teach me Your holy discipline. Free me from evil passions and cleanse my heart of all disorderly affection so that, healed and purified within, I may be fit to love, strong to suffer, and firm to persevere. [...]Love is watchful. Sleeping, it does not slumber. Wearied, it is not tired. Pressed, it is not straitened. Alarmed, it is not confused, but like a living flame, a burning torch, it forces its way upward and passes unharmed through every obstacle." - Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born [Hei: womb] of water [Mem: sex] and of the Spirit [Shin: fire], he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." - John 3:5
Originally posted by filosophia
Originally posted by LeoVirgo
'where desires come from'
Desire comes from our appetites, our body's necessity to consume food from outside ourselves in order to create energy. That desire stems from the principle of Nature, you can just say it's Nature. Nature's goal is survival, so shouldn't it be plausible to assume the evolution of Nature is headed towards immortality?