posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Liberal1984
Personally I feel that what is happening is a direct result of learned behavior combined with quick fix drugs and parents not spending enough time
with the children they helped to spawn.
To be fair I know that some people can not help what afflicts them mentally because of a real chemical imbalance in the brain. However it's getting
to a point where parents who see behavioral changes in their child do not look at themselves first as the primary cause. Some parents work so much to
keep food on the table that they see their child a couple minutes in the morning and maybe for an hour or two at night and that's it. I am not in any
way saying that they are wrong for wanting to provide for their family because some do not have a choice in the hours they work or when they work if
they want to keep their job or job's in some cases.
Then there are the "status parents" who are more worried about the perception of others. They live a comfortable life, go to parties and see
themselves as above average to us common folk. They demand perfection from their friends, from servers at restaurants and can be plain rude if they
don't get what they want. Their child or children see this behavior as normal and follow the same path. The bad side to this is usually they are
spoiled with gifts in order to keep them quiet or out of the way. When they get older they start to demand things instead of working for it and see
themselves as to good to do manual labor or menial work. Mommy and daddy are to busy to pay attention so the child tries to get their attention. At
first it's something like low grades to see if the parents or parent notice and when that fails it escalates to skipping class or shoplifting
something stupid like a CD or clothes. Usually it backfires because all the parents are concerned about is the public image that might be tarnished
and not the fact that all the child wants is some attention.
The flip side to this is the broken home where one or both parents could care less as long as they get what they want leaving the child wondering why
they were even born. They don't see themselves as important so they find others usually from the same back round that do. Their friends become to be
more of a family then the one they came from and in most but not all instants es crime and mayhem become the life they choose.
People can not blame lack of religion as the reason because I have known people in my own life that grew up in the most loving and structured families
who went to church every Sunday but for some reason decided to become somewhat an evil person. I am in no way going to say that their parents did not
try to help them either because no matter the love, attention or caring they showed their child they still could not get across to them that they
meant everything to them.
In today's world people are more apt to take the short cut instead of the traveled road because the traveled road means having to put forth some sort
of effort and lets face it, society is getting lazier by the second. It's a hell of a lot easier to give your kids pills than it is to sit down and
talk to them. It's easier to keep them pacified with I-Pods, X-Box and cell phones than to listen to their problems. We have gone away from the days
of spending weekends at home with the family to going shopping on Christmas day because companies like Wal-Mart are open twenty four seven which means
we have an escape from family time. There were a lot less problem children in the 50's because parent instilled respect for others or there were
The only true mental dysfunction is that people have made it easy to be a jerk or an ass to others without little repercussion. We watch shows like
the Jersey Shore and idolize those idiots because of the behavior they exude towards others. We and include myself in this find humor or little
remorse towards others pain in most circumstances because if we did we would be looked at as weak or pathetic. Until family values and common courtesy
are restored to the core of this country we can only expect the erratic behavior and mental disconnect to get worse.
Sorry this has drawn out but the cure for this problem as I see it starts with compassion, love, insight and the ability to listen. Until then the
edge of the abyss is only a couple feet away and it's inching closer as we speak.