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Unicorns In The Bible. That Makes Them Real?

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posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

This has probably been posted before but the Unicorns only really appear in the King James. It is thought by many scholars that the authors were actually referring to the Aurochs, an extinct animal that looks like an Ox or Bull. I did a bit of research for this for my blog post about talking animals and magical creature's in the Bible.

The Bible also mentions dragons and the King James once again makes a translation error and mentions Satyrs in Isaiah 13:21.

These sorts of translation errors really cast doubt on the fundamentalist idea that the Bible is somehow perfect or inerrant.

I don't think the classic unicorn could exist, after all what use would a horse have for a horn? How exactly would horses have evolved to get such a horn? And where is the fossil evidence?

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 08:47 AM
You are falling into the usual trap that creationists fall into. Evolution isn't a will, you seem to think that evolution proposes a goal that every animal is striving to become like humans. Evolution is everywhere you look in fact humans in my opinion are not the most evolved creatures on the planet. Anyway back to topic at hand the bible should imho not be treated as gospel (excuse the pun). Unicorns and the myth that surround them is easily explainable, imagine you come across a creature in a foreign unfamiliar land for example a Rhino your language doesnt have the words to describe what you saw so you tell your neighbour you've seen a magical creature with a horn coming out of his head, he then tells his friend but adds that he knows someone who saw a white beast with long flowing hair and a horn coming out of his head. This goes on and on untill you end with the "unicorn" and other biblical creatures, its all chinese whispers you see.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 07:47 AM
Oh I see, a mythical creature is mentioned in a fictional book several times so therefore it must be real?

What next? God exists? Oh wait people already believe god exists.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 07:54 AM
Only pure vegans can see unicorns.

Everyone knows that.

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