posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 05:02 PM
I saw the news earlier today on tv, it was a reportage which involved the upgrading of the empire state buiding and its new energysaving tec..
At the end of reportage were a number of interviews with residents, who were asked if they cared about global warming in the world today..
About half of them did not know what this was ..the rest said that they did not care, but only cared about his own and his country's economy, and
when the reporter asked why they didn´t care about the global warming, the answer was simple the rest of the world didn´t interested them..only US
And this in a time when US is the worlds second biggest polluter..
When you add this to some reports from wikileak and some other truth about the war in Irak, Afganistan, aso...
The question is..
wich picture does the americans want to project of themself???