posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 10:59 PM
Originally posted by theRhenn
How many men and women in our armed forces, from any country involved in this, how many sons and daughters, sisters and brothers... that this guy put
in harms way?
I would say none. Not to pick on you, because you're by far not the only person who is buying into this false notion that somehow showing world
leaders to be the scumbags we all know they are anyway, is going to put people in the armed forces in harms way. That's a giant load of BS. It makes
absolutely no sense. Haven't you noticed that
anytime the government doesn't get it's way, it immediately declares that if they don't get
what they want, soldiers will be in harms way? And alot of people buy it, over and over.
government is who is really putting soldiers in harms way, and loooong before the wikileaks thing, soldiers have been dying because the
government sent them thousands of miles away, to "protect" our freedoms by invading 2 countries that have NO ability to invade the U.S. whatsoever.
Armies should fight OTHER armies, not a rag tag bunch of religious extremists with no allegiance to any country. That's a job for precision munitions
and special forces, who get in quietly, kill fast, and get out fast. Those guys live for that, and do it well. But it was never really about that, as
alot of evidence shows. Hopefully, wikilieaks is legit and not some staged distraction. And hopefully the government is scared because perhaps
there's evidence out there to show once and for all their true motivations for these wars, and perhaps it will be so damning that the armed forces
will see that they are being used and that our politicians and their corporate masters don't give a flying f@%k about them. If that happens, I
suspect it won't be the soldiers who are in harms way.