posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:54 PM
Socialism within the UK is a loaded topic... A lot of people think they're Socialists! Whatever that means...But historically. social progress has
occurred within the UK as a result of progressive Social Democrat reforms! Keir Hardie. the dour Scotsman who founded the Labour Party, wasn't a
Marxist... He was a Christian Socialist, in the spirit of the Fabians, who believed you should lead your life like Christ! and not Stalin!
People wanted free health/education and social services... They wanted to alleviate poverty/injustice and hardship! They done it, (pretty much)
after the second world war, by nationalising industry and creating a health service (NHS) and educational system rivalling none! It's always going
to be a hard slog to maintain these standards within society, but it's something worth fighting for! Obama is trying to introduce health reforms
based on the UK model and he is getting crucified by the ruling elites, who see social reform as being a mere source of private profit! These people
can't stand the fact that sick people might actually get something that they need without having to pay through the nose for it! They see this as
being a source of untapped profit, and nothing more! Sad!