posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:11 AM
The ONLY real problem I have with these vids so far is that we're seeing a video of a video. So I have to reserve some judgement in acknowledgement
of that fact.
On the other hand, I am leaning towards the conclusion that Erik HAS filmed more "ufos" than any other person in history.
This thread will probably flounder around like the other one, however, because folk listen and make judgements about the messenger rather than
focusing on the good questions raised by these anomalies. That, and...well, he's shooting video of video, ahem.
I do hope ATS folk will start taking more interest in his vids, however, and realize that his personality and zeal are one of the reasons--in
conjunction with his prolific footage--that we should be taking note. High Strangeness, so to speak, is probably the explanation here, and Erik's
belief and fervor are the EXACT reason he is experiencing--some would say 'manifesting'--these visitations.
All I'm saying is keep a watch on this one y'all: I think there's a good chance we're seeing the real thing.