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Hilton: 9-11 Hijackers funded by the US Government

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posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 12:18 AM
"Interviews with an American ex-wife of one of the 9-11 hijackers revealed that she met Mohammed Atta and his younger brother and that this group were double-agents operating in a series of cells that were aided and abetted by the US government. "

"She mentioned that these "cells" were not comprised of muslim fundamentalists, but "playboys" and that they also participated in the OKC bombing and the first WTC attack.

Hilton is representing 400 families suing Bush and others in the federal government for "causing, aiding and abetting 9/11".

Listen to MP3

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 12:33 AM
All Seeing Eye

This doesn't surprise me in the least.

Good investigating...keep it up I-man.


posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 12:48 AM
I've been listening to this as I read some other posts. My initial reaction was that this could not be possible that they could be responsible for the first WTC bombing, then OK City, then 9/11 because there were two different administrations in office. He addressed that issue about 13 minutes into the discussion saying that the people in the gov't responsible for this is the shadow government that remains in place during the administration changes. I'm not really familiar with who they are or what their formal positions are, but that would explain how this could be possible. He said they work at the Pentagon and the State Dept or even the White House but I wonder what they're actual jobs are, he doesn't elaborate too much on the shadow gov't. It was a very interesting discussion though, I definitely recommend listening to it. Thanks, ASE!

posted on Mar, 23 2003 @ 05:13 PM
great find all seeing eye. Now we need to find a way to get this awesome news to the public. Make sure almost everyone hears it. Any one have any ideas on how to do that.

posted on Mar, 24 2003 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by ProudAmerican
I've been listening to this as I read some other posts. My initial reaction was that this could not be possible that they could be responsible for the first WTC bombing, then OK City, then 9/11 because there were two different administrations in office. He addressed that issue about 13 minutes into the discussion saying that the people in the gov't responsible for this is the shadow government that remains in place during the administration changes. I'm not really familiar with who they are or what their formal positions are, but that would explain how this could be possible. He said they work at the Pentagon and the State Dept or even the White House but I wonder what they're actual jobs are, he doesn't elaborate too much on the shadow gov't. It was a very interesting discussion though, I definitely recommend listening to it. Thanks, ASE!

Most of them are bankers, or heads of important companies driving the economy, you can always find them in important business. Or at least having huge interests in important business. Frankly said, they are the ones controling the money system. And some times they show up as politicians or members of the political systems, that is when they have to get something going. Like now...

It's also interesting to look at the money system, how it really works and how it was invented. You'll find nice details.

posted on Apr, 1 2003 @ 05:30 PM
Hey folks, I am new to this forum and have spent the last hour reading some threads.... man have I got a bucket load to contribute to this.

The US and other governments around the world use a technique called "PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION" to instigate a chain of events, or pass a bill that would otherwise not have been well received. To follow on from earlier in this thread, the Oklahoma bombing is a classic example of this being put into practice. Within 24 hours of the bomb blast at the Murrah federal building you had Clinton calling for an easing of restrictions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement.

The Anti-Terrorism Bill went through Congress taking away basic freedoms in America purely because of the Oklahoma City bombing. PROBLEM - Bomb. REACTION - That's not on. SOLUTION - Bill passed quickly. Public applaud.

Take 9-11, the towers were built to withstand airplane collissions and it looks to me like they were detonated from within after the impacts to bring the buildings down. This caused a problem, the obvious reaction of disgust from the people of the civilised world and the solution being the war against terrorism culminating in the Iraq war now.

I firmly believe the US government were behind (or at least were aware of the event before it happened) te 9-11 attacks to produce the desired reaction.

I'll start a new thread on the whole Iraq thing which may be of interest to you.



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