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Civil unrest in the uk..

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posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
reply to post by Shminkee Pinkee

Your 'Chip' on your shoulder must be very heavy.....

At no stage have I suggested you are an 'oink' or of a different 'class' ?? Those are terms you have introduced and I therefore suspect that is how you see 'Yourself' in the eyes of others...

My initial reply to your initial post was because I was surprised by the Viscous nature of it.... I understand that in the 80's things happened / changed that people did not agree with...!! You spoke of your Grandfather which then leads me to believe that you were probably not even around or at least very young and so why do you focus on those bad times and not look forward for yourself ?

In life it is easy to complain but Very hard to find solutions.... if you applied the energy you have to complain on more industrious issues then maybe the world would be a different place.....

For the record I was born in the 60's in a working class area of Newcastle Upon Tyne.... I didn't have everything I wanted as a child and still today, I do NOT expect everything unlike the culture of today .... I do my bit and life is good......... I learn from history but I try not to cling to it as a simple justification for what I haven't achieved....


PurpleDOG UK

And in the 60's I believe your education would have been free, and there were generous student grants as well, if I'm not mistaken.


posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

Born in the 60's
O-levels and A-levels in the 80's
Didn't go to University - so I missed out on that...


I haven't turned out that bad...


PurpleDOG UK

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 06:31 AM
I personally am fairly patriotic but i HATE our government and they way they do things... Im told im fairly intelligent but as sone as im done with college im off the the military, be it RAF, Army or even Navy. David Cameron is a twat and life looks # for pretty much any career over her now, we have no industry... only buisnessmen and civil service workers.
edit on 1/12/2010 by stimmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Rich... and who they are.. perhaps would be a good title for a thread on ATS.

There are only a few I would consider rich.. these are the people who drive the policy makers. they are the types that sit on the boards of energy companies and vote price hikes not caring if the poor or elderly freeze to death in their search for wealth.. So the use of the word rich, tends to also cover those would support the above.

On the negative side It seems we are at a smash and grab for what wealth is left, and on the positive side we seem to be at the transitional phase, and I look forward to contributing to a better more fair society, that is unless the Rich/establishment/Elite manage to circumvent that outcome by creating an external war.. but even if they do it only puts off the inevitable change.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

I'll give you until this afternoon to start the thread....

I ask the question because whenever you hear the dissatisfaction with people they all go for the rich.... I question that in many cases the 'rich' are also middle class and isn't that what most people ''think they are'' already..

I am working class and have no problem saying that, i'm not on my uppers but I do have to work and think for myself and I do not live in a big box newly built show house with a BMW and 4x4 on the drive....

I think the 'rich' are probably the Parents of the student but they don't want to accept that !!


PurpleDOG UK

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Maybe i should have phrased it better, what I mean by wealthy kids is not working class, not middle class but the upper class, who will never know what is like to struggle.. These children will not have to worry about tuition fees, they will not have to worry about living costs, they will not have to sit in a cold bedroom in a shared house eating pot noodle... And after uni, they will probably not have to worry about finding a good job, because they will be shoehorned into a good position somewhere...
The class divide in this country is getting bigger and bigger..
Even now in times of recession, we the normal folk are suffering major cutbacks, people have to work like dogs just to cover their mortgage, but the rich... They just keep getting richer..

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Firstly (and I mean no offence by any of this)

Your 'Chip' on your shoulder must be very heavy.....

I don't have a chip on my shoulder, I ate it as I was hungry waiting for you to explain yourself :-)


At no stage have I suggested you are an 'oink' or of a different 'class' ?? Those are terms you have introduced and I therefore suspect that is how you see 'Yourself' in the eyes of others...

It was 'Oik' Oink is the noise pigs make ;-)

Sorry mate but Perhaps it was the air of arrogance and superiority in your writing when you "ORDERED" me to read my post and yours again, to me it implied I was possibly a bit thick, and a bit of an idiot because I 'Couldn't See it', however if I'm wrong in that I apologise, as I was on the defensive, mainly due to the lack of clear communication on your part. :-)

My initial reply to your initial post was because I was surprised by the Viscous nature of it.... I understand that in the 80's things happened / changed that people did not agree with...!! You spoke of your Grandfather which then leads me to believe that you were probably not even around or at least very young and so why do you focus on those bad times and not look forward for yourself ?

I was around, there you go with your groundless assumptions again, but quite young, so you got that bit right. :-) I don't focus on it all, far from it, I was simply answering the other poster, about unemployment levels in the 80's, and how the then Government used sickness benefit to hide the numbers of unemployed, yes my grandad was one of them, proof that it happened, I mentioned him because he didn't work again because no-one would hire him because of his age. My dad was like me, he would always find a job doing anything, rather than nothing because he couldn't stand not working. My viscosity was aimed At Thatcher, yes, it doesn't mean I live in the past. She does not deserve a state funeral, in my opinion, because of the pain and suffering she caused many many people, I'm allowed that opinion, if you don't agree fair enough. I know all about being held back by negative feelings, I've seen it happen to people, and I see it everyday, I'm feel for them and understand their anger, it's never held me back, infact it made me stronger, and want to help them change view.

For the record I'm not really going to Piss on Thatchers grave, I have better things to do with my time, unless of course it's near where I live and I'm bored one day or I take a holiday near it...who knows ;-)

In life it is easy to complain but Very hard to find solutions.... if you applied the energy you have to complain on more industrious issues then maybe the world would be a different place.....

This is quite an obvious statement and quite patronising. I do apply my energy in many ways. I have had to fight prejudice and assumption all my life, and in doing so I hope I've made life a little better for some people I've worked with.

Same could be said for you if you spent less time on here patronising people, making assumptions and casting aspersions on people you don't know and have insufficient information on, you may well change the world too. :-)

For the record I was born in the 60's in a working class area of Newcastle Upon Tyne.... I didn't have everything I wanted as a child and still today, I do NOT expect everything unlike the culture of today .... I do my bit and life is good......... I learn from history but I try not to cling to it as a simple justification for what I haven't achieved....

Neither do I, I had a poor upbringing too, I don't expect to be handed everything on a plate. I was lucky when I went to College, I had a grant, if I hadn't I couldn't have gone, and I would have had no qualifications and ended up doing a job with little or no prospects. I just think the idea of having a huge amount of debt at the end of University will put an awful lot of people off going, causing perhaps a bit of brain drain, which I don't think is good for future of the UK. :-)

Again I mean no offence by all of this, you seem like an intelligent person, who I just got my wires crossed with

Peace :-)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Shminkee Pinkee

Shminkee Pinkee


Alot of effort to justify yourself.......... I never justify anything because if I do then I didn't give it enough thought in the first place....

Viscosity and Viciousness have different meanings and No i did not think you were really going to piss all over a grave.....

I'll let you have the last word then if that makes you happy......:-)

PurpleDOG UK

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 07:32 AM
The education system in the UK has always been unjust and unfair and based around class and status rather than ability.

My older brother and one of our cousins are the same age, went to the same school and took more or less the same 'A' Levels.
My brother gained top marks in every subject and whilst my cousin did very well he didn't quite match the excellence of my brother.
Both wanted to study for similar degrees and applied for entry at the same colleges.
My cousin gained admission to a Cambridge college and was awarded the maximum grant possible.
My brother was refused entry to the self same college and went on to study at The University Of East Anglia and was only awarded a half grant.
My father is a welder and we lived on a Council Estate.
I watched my father graft his bollocks off to pay for his son to get through university, something supposedly free.
My cousins father was a Director of a Welding Institute and had bought and paid for a very nice private house in an exclusive area of town.

Read into that what you will.

People will continue to disagree over education.
Personally I support the students in their protests 100%.
Very few people from Council Estate backgrounds will consider University if faced with a bill of appoaching £30K.

But it is the blatant elitist attitude of Cameron and The Tories, the hypocrisy and double standards of Clegg and The Lib Dems and the complete inertia and deafening silence of Miliband's Labour that disgusts me and the total lack of understading or consideration shown for the genuine concerns that are being expressed.
I expect the contempt shown by those inbred Tory scum.
The same can be said of the privately educated, champagne socialists that run the pathetic excuse of a Labour Party now.
And the lack of moral fibre and backbone shown by Clegg and his wishy-washy Lib-Dems is only to be expected as well.

We lack politicians of conviction.
Today we have carear politicians whose only concerns are personal advancement and profit.
They show a complete lack of care, concern or understanding for the wishes and well being of the people they allegedly represent and have alienated them to such a point that direct and regular confrontation maybe inevitable.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
reply to post by wcitizen

Born in the 60's
O-levels and A-levels in the 80's
Didn't go to University - so I missed out on that...


I haven't turned out that bad...


PurpleDOG UK

You sound happy - that is the most precious thing of all, and increasingly rare these days. Good on'ya!
edit on 1-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
There is alot of violence, vandalism and murder, on council estates everyday.

Précisément, mon brave.

Originally posted by Misterlondon
Alot worse than what you have seen with these protests!

No. Exactly the same as you see on these protests, not worse.

Originally posted by Misterlondon
The things is they don't tell you in the news about that, and if your not from that world you would know absolutely nothing about that..

This is the sort of argument that reinforces the validity of my points...

There are no ''secret'' things that ''they'' don't tell, and the news stations aren't all controlled by this imaginary ''NWO'' fantasy that so many people like to cling to.

Get a grip, man.

Originally posted by Misterlondon
But even if it is a few people are causing trouble, at least it is for a cause and not just mindless violence..

What cause ?!

''Mindless 'chavs' causing trouble, all for the drams, and the lulz of of vandalising property...''.

These ''protests'' will always be looked upon by the general public, as ''chavs'' causing trouble.

If you genuinely believe that this is a prelude to ''social disorder'' or ''civil unrest'', then I do feel that you should get yourself out in the real world.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes


I understand what you are saying by your post but I do detect, on a daily basis a serious lack of understanding to what is happening in society and what will happen next year...

There is already an 'underclass'' in society created by the polarisation of wealth by the middle classes NOT the rich but I do fear for next year when people start to realise that they are NOT as wealthy as they think they currently are...

PurpleDOG UK

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
Another day and another protest in the uk which turned into violent clashes with police..
153 people were arrested yesterday as student demonstrated against tuition fees.
Thousands of young people took to the streets yesterday as mp's debated the potential impact of the planned changes..
Are the next generation of youth in the uk, finally rising up against, tptb?
Is this the shape of things to come in the future? Is it a goos thing or a bad thing?
Thoughts please..

It's definitely a good thing IMHO, well apart from the destruction of public and private property that is. At least, it shows that the British youth is not willing to accept those cuts to public spending without rioting. Will it lead to a better solution? I really doubt it, unless the society at large starts protesting and is willing to press for better changes by striking indefinitely, for example. A rebellious youth is always a positive in my book.

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
There is already an 'underclass'' in society created by the polarisation of wealth by the middle classes NOT the rich but I do fear for next year when people start to realise that they are NOT as wealthy as they think they currently are...

In Greece, the middle class has already suffered a severe blow to their wealth, of course, the lower classes got hit even worse. The only ones who are unaffected by the current crisis are the rich and the banks.
edit on 1/12/2010 by WalterRatlos because: (no reason given)

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