Hi guys.I've been looking on ATs for a whiel now on various subjects. Anyway today i was on a website, read some comments and got to this wiki page
on Heim and his theory and then went to Hauser and his take on Heim's work and then came upon the pfd below which apparently was the work that got
Hauser and his team a prize:
" In 2004, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) awarded the winning paper in the nuclear and future flight field to a
retired Austrian patent officer named Walter Dröscher and Jochem Häuser, a physicist and professor of computer science at the University of Applied
Sciences in Salzgitter, Germany. They turned the theoretical framework of Burkhard Heim into a proposal for an experimental test for a propulsion
device that is thought to theoretically be able to travel at rates faster than the speed of light. "
So here's the pdf, quite a lot of math and anyway, if yo ugo and browse around you finally get some layman terms.
Basically this FTL drive woudl have a spining torus and a magnetic field of T power..2..20.30 T (tesla) which is quite a lot after reachign 17 T in
the most powerfull human experiments to date. but still it's usable even at lower T levels, only thing that it's a two stage drive, first stage is
like 00 something c speed , and second stage requires like abour 20-30 T and puts the ship into a parallel spce and reaches a about 330* c speed,
maybe even more with more Ts.
So this drive uses a powerful magnet to act as a catalyzer and somehow turn photons into gravitophotons of two types at the same time: positive and
negative via the help of vacuum and virtual electrons. So the only energy is used to power the magnet and then vacuum provides the two flavours of
gravitophotons. Then the negative gravitophotons are absorbed by the ships protons and neutrons, and the positive gravitophotons are the ones which
interact with the ships gravitons and give it an acceleration.
" Gravitophoton field propulsion is a two-stage
process. First, an acceleration is achieved by
the absorption of negative gravitophotons
through the protons and neutrons of the torus material."
this leads to Earth > Mars final speed of 0.04 c(light speed) and trip time of 30 days.
Second stage uses the full power of the magnetic field , about 30 T, to slip the ship into parallel space and gives a top speed of 330 c..330 times
the speed of light aka warp speed 330
Earth to 10 light years Star in 11 days.
the pdf :