posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Hi Otamad,
OP here. I'll try to give you some practical tips. The hominid line first appeared in the fossil record 6.5 million years ago. The hominid line is
what we are evolved from. Females are biologically attracted to the alpha male, the man with the most power, the most wealth, the most resources. You
cannot ignore 6.5 million years of human evolution. You must therefore develop alpha like qualities about yourself.
You asked for some advice, you are acknowledging there are some things you haven't figure out. And that's a good sign, when it comes to getting good
at pick-up you must have no ego. You are actually further along than MOST guys, believe me, most guys are clueless.
Have something in your life that you are passionate about. If you are a science major, be passionate about it. Be good at telling stories, try to
convey emotion in your stories. Tell stories about things that had a major impact in your life.
Be good at conversations. When you are having a conversation with a girl, do not exchange facts with her, you must instead elicit emotional responses.
Ask a girl what kind of music she likes or what band she listens to. This is fine, this is just exchanging facts which is necessary to an extent. When
she tells you what she listens to, you must then launch into a story dealing with music that will elicit an emotional response. Tell her about the
time you went to a concert and had the time of your life and how much fun it was. Don't just tell her what your favorite song is, you also need to
tell her WHY it's your favorite song.
Do not try to build rapport with a girl until you have attraction first. If you try to build rapport first with no attraction, then she will put you
in the let's just be friends zone. Attraction must happen first, then you can build rapport. How do you first attract girls? Have alpha like
There are two types of "game", indirect and direct. Indirect game deals with social situations where it's you, the girl you want, and other people
that don't matter. Gaining attraction has to be subtle in these situations. Then there is direct game. This is what I do. This takes balls and there
is a lot of fear to overcome, trust me... a lot of fear. I can't tell you how many times I had butterflies in my stomach. The most important thing
with direct game is to have a confident and calm body language.
Here is the best opener in the world, look her straight in the eyes and say this:
That's it, always start out your conversations with this. After she says hi back then say, "I hope you don't think this is weird or anything, but I
just had to meet you". Be calm, and say it with confidence. You can now ask her what music she listens to, you'll get a quick reply from her then you
can launch into your story. With indirect game you can't ask her what music she listens to right off the bat, but with direct game you can. Then ask
her what her major is. If she is a bio major who eventually wants to become a veterinarian, this means she likes animals. Tell her about a PBS
documentary you saw about the wildebeest migrations in the Serengeti and how this one segment showed a little calf evade death from a pride of lions.
Tell her, as you watched it, you were so scared for the calf, but then you were glad that the calf escaped to live another day. Again, the key is to
elicit emotional responses from her. You must do the initial work when your conversation starts. After that, ease up and get her to reveal herself to
you. This takes balls, plain and simple. There will be butterflies, there will be nervousness especially when you start out... but you must overcome
them. Believe me when I say this, it takes years to become good at pick-up and every man must undergo trial by fire.
Direct game works best at malls, cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, concerts, festivals, markets, grocery stores, etc... not so good at night clubs.
Night clubs require a different type of game. When you go up to a girl and tell her you just wanted to meet her, will there be other people watching
you to see how you do? Yes, absolutely... deal with it.
If you are wealthy, a famous actor, or a rock star. You don't need to have game, you can get all the pussy you want and have no skills whatsoever. If
you are not these things, then yes, you need to develop your game.
You must display alpha qualities but do so appropriately, many guys do not understand this. I am a graduate student, I would never try to go alpha
over my professor. I will instead try to ask intelligent questions that convey I have a grasp of the material.
Looks are not as important as you think, but definately keep yourself well-groomed. The size of your cock doesn't matter either. I'm just average
looking and I have a small penis.
Develop a genuine sense of romance. Hollywood movies do not realistically portray romance. Watch these two movies instead:
"Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset"
These two movies are the most realistic portrayal of romance I have ever seen. There are a few things about these two movies that bug me and don't
seem realistic, but the overall premise is sound.
These are your goals in life in order of priority:
1) To develop your full potential, developing your potential will give you confidence
2) To change the world for the better