posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by gem_man
Or maybe you want something to happen in Israel?
Have you ever read Julian Assange's old blog?
Before Wikileaks.
Julian was more active than most people.
There are lost years in his life, that is, not documented. I would not be to quick to label him yet, he seems a good man. Try and watch HAR2009
aswell, not all videos are on YouTube, I think they are on the Chaos Computer Club's ftp server.
Only 278 cables were released the other day, they are releasing more; it makes bigger impact and things get more attention.
He says 9/11 truthers annoy him, yes. Ever ask why?
How many sheep are annoyed by the 9/11 truthers?
How many sheep would listen to Wikileaks if they sided with the 9/11 truthers?
It's all about reputation.
We know the world still thinks it was not an inside job; so change use a tactic that wont pigeon box Wikileaks information.
It is an intelligence war.
edit on 30/11/2010 by the_denv because: sp