posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 08:44 AM
If you dont believe in God then you wont believe the bible is true.
John 1:1-2- In the begining was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.The same was in the begining with God.
By this scripture, the Word of God is God.
Numbers 23:19- God is not a man,that he should lie;neither the son of man,that he should repent;hath he said,and shall he not do it?or hath he
spoken,and shall he not make it good?
The first part of Romans 3:4 says Let God be true, but every man a liar.
I know that a lot of people dont believe the bible is true,or that some of it is true and other parts are just stories made up.
For the Christians at believe that it is a combination of the two, where does the truth start and the made up stories(lies)end and vise versa?
As Christians(for those that are) we need to strong in the belief that the bible is the perfect and unfallable(sp) word of God.
It is impossible for God to lie,thus if the Word was with God and was God,then the word must be true.