posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Judge_Holden
Anyway, I do not see such a thing happening.
I see exactly this kind of thing happening. China and all them OPEC and other nations we are in debt to are finally beginning to realize that the US
has shafted them with tons of soon to be worthless paper promises. When the dollar collapses, when it becomes worthless through devaluation and
inflation, all of the nations will realize that they have been slaving for the benefit of America and now they will never be repaid for what they are
owed .. and THAT will royally piss them off.
COUNT on WAR when the dollar crashes. Toilet paper will be worth more than a greenback. I know that if I were a chinese citizen working in an ipod
factory and now realized that we'll never get paid back for all that labor and goods we had produced to better our nation, I would want to war with
the deadbeat debtor USA. POOF!
China will be forced into war against America to appease their billions of restless unemployed citizens when Americas ponzi economy and fiat funny
money crashes. Face it, America has been living high off the rest of the world and now it's time to pay the piper.