posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 03:02 PM
The NY Times did a piece on the UFO shop in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Normally I just brush off this nonsense as viewers who don't know what
they are looking at. However the CIA CREST archive did store one sighting from the San Luis Valley.
NY Times
You will need irfanview with the plugins to read jp2 documents on a PC. On a Mac, you are on your own.
CIA archive page 1
CIA archive page 2
The only interesting thing about the sighting is the fact that the CIA archived it. I don't know enough about the history of the area to determine
which test facility was producing the "UFOs."
I have a pile over a foot high of CIA documents in hard copy. It is really annoying that they just don't put this stuff on the internet rather than
make the researcher go to the NARA facility in College Park Maryland.