posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by ziggy1706
it's not about your individual vegetable garden... only if you
distribute your fruits and veg
but it's still a miserable, lousy thing to do to... pure douchebaggery
this is the kind of stuff over which my home state (california) may end up suing the federal gov't
If you trade or give your food away, or sell it at farmers markets, you are no longer considered growing for personal consumption which puts you in a
category as a Community Supported Agriculture supplier, or so you forget what it actually means CSA’s for short. This is a whole world of difference
because now your food has to be “traceable” That means if your neighbor little sally walker has a tummy ache, you need to be held accountable for
giving her those bacteria laden zucchinis. What it really means is a drive to the freshly built State Agriculture Office, to talk to the ladies who
got promoted from the DMV to fill out a stack of paperwork the size of War and Peace, pay a handy little “CSA Liscensing fee” plus all the taxes
and stuff of course, agree to surprise inspections, OH, and don’t forget that dollar to the blabbity blabb fund. By the way would you like to
register to vote sir?
So in other words you don’t grow it yourself, you probably aren’t going to get to eat it. Which is going to make you a pretty big ball of sad if
you get most of your fruits and veggies from farmers markets. Is this going to be the end of organic farming? No probably not directly or in the near
future but farmers who can afford to give away 50% of their profits to the government to implement this bill will probably not going to be living in
your town. And because of the lack of farmers putting their heirloom seed grown produce out there, we will eventually see a decline in the amount of
heirloom seeds available to the public. The worst part though is the bill will directly affect pet and animal feed manufacturers as well, which means
higher feed costs for farmers, which means you ain’t makin chicken wings for the backyard barbecue buddy. It’s all hot dogs from here. We will
probably still get hamburgers for a while, but eventually hamburgers will be the price of steak, steak will be the price of lobster, lobster will be
filled with oil.
it always seems like these votes happen when everyone's looking in the wrong direction
the TSA groping is small potatoes compared to this