posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 11:16 PM
I have eaten many different things from rats to dog to sheeps name it.
I actually went 14 days without food in a winter survival course. We caught what we could but mostly it was food out of the dumpster of a small pub
that was just a few miles away. I had no issues with it whatsoever. Food was food and I was hungry. I went into the course weighing 168lbs and
mentally sound then came out weighing less than 140 and having auditory hallucinations. I was admitted to the psych ward for chemical imbalances. I
spent 3 days there before they got the "music" to go away.
People that dont/wont eat? I dont know what to say to that. A lot of the things I have read about here were common on the table growing up.
Someone above mentioned eating armadillo...That is the most disease ridden animals out there. It is something to stay away from! It was be a last
resort item.
Oh and by the way, I think out of it all from eating chicken feet to raw octopuss to garbage from the pub...the WORST thing I ever put in my mouth has
to of been Haggis!