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all forms of polygamy contribute to the discrimination of women and the sexualisation of young girls

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posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 03:51 PM
if you have two guys who want to have multiple wives, and one belongs to this religion (cult really the mormons have done away with the practice years ago), and the other doesn't.....
Isn't it a little discriminatory for you to allow one, but well, not the other, unless of course, he joins that particular cult???

at least allowing a women to have more than one husband would be more financially feasible. I mean, there'd be a limit to how many children that the husbands could bring into the world...
for a man to have multiple wives, you increase in multiples the number of kids he can sire, and well, it's gonna become quite costly very quickly. and well, since we are talking about biblical marriages, I imagine many of those wives would believe that the man is the provider, and their primary purpose would be to stay home and take care of kids and home. I could see how this whole setup could very well become society's business....since well, once he creates more kids than he can take care of, it will become the good ole taxpayer who more than likely will be picking up the tab.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by juniperberry

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

How does it contribute to the discrimination of women or the sexualisation of young girls?

Because, in a lot of cases, the 'wife' is less than 16 years old. Not actually considered a 'consenting adult'. These children are 'groomed' into the role and are not provided with opportunities to understand that there is another way of life.

If you don't think this is true, then look up the name of "Brenda Jensen" who was a 14 year old child bride in Bountiful BC before she ran away...

So wait, just because the religious end of polygamy has abused children we should then ban the practice? A lot of people die of rape and gun crime every year, should be ban sex and guns? Should be ban Catholics because some priests molest little boys?

Yes I know that some people take advantage of children through religion and other means. That's horrible and should in now way be encouraged. The reality is the majority of people who are practising polygamy are NOT doing that.


posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by juniperberry
It becomes a problem when the children are 15 and under and "groomed" to be married to someone in particular who has multiple wives already.

I'm not against polygamy so long as it's also legal for women to have multiple husbands. But I do have a problem when one of the participants is under the age of 18.

This is my exact problem.

I want them to stop focusing on the polygamy, and focus on the child abuse and the lack of real education allowed in these groups.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

So wait, just because the religious end of polygamy has abused children we should then ban the practice? A lot of people die of rape and gun crime every year, should be ban sex and guns? Should be ban Catholics because some priests molest little boys?

Yes I know that some people take advantage of children through religion and other means. That's horrible and should in now way be encouraged. The reality is the majority of people who are practising polygamy are NOT doing that.


I never said I was against it. I merely stated that [it has to work both ways and this age thing] is a problem. So they COULD rewrite the laws to say that 'Polygamy with participants under the age of 18 (for example), is illegal'

Something like that.. It's sort of like the US witchcraft rules, apparently you guys can still burn them at the stake or something..

But a government can't just do a blanket "let's get rid of this rule" without going through due process. Except that due process has to include this initial examination of the rule.. I suspect it will be repealed eventually anyway..
edit on 2010/11/23 by juniperberry because: add something to my second sentence

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by juniperberry

Ok, I apologize, I misunderstood your statement.

I agree with you, it should be above the age of 18 which is the proper age for consent IMO.


posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by juniperberry

I agree with you on that. There many groups who do this. I would love to have a woman older then 18 and who can think for herself. Even though I'm going to bite my tongue admitting this. I believe a woman can have multiple husbands. Yet I think it's more normal for a man to have more then one wife.

bite your tongue lol

I dont think its more normal for a man to have multiple wives

for me it would be more normal to have a stable of husbands all doing my bidding and handing over their paypackets to me - does any girl here see a problem with my vision of marriage?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
if you have two guys who want to have multiple wives, and one belongs to this religion (cult really the mormons have done away with the practice years ago), and the other doesn't.....
Isn't it a little discriminatory for you to allow one, but well, not the other, unless of course, he joins that particular cult???

at least allowing a women to have more than one husband would be more financially feasible. I mean, there'd be a limit to how many children that the husbands could bring into the world...
for a man to have multiple wives, you increase in multiples the number of kids he can sire, and well, it's gonna become quite costly very quickly. and well, since we are talking about biblical marriages, I imagine many of those wives would believe that the man is the provider, and their primary purpose would be to stay home and take care of kids and home. I could see how this whole setup could very well become society's business....since well, once he creates more kids than he can take care of, it will become the good ole taxpayer who more than likely will be picking up the tab.

precisely how a lot of polygamy situations work out finances right now - the husband is not the provider - how could he provide for multiple wives and all their children?

so it is left to taxpayers to fund the lifestyle of this man and that is unfair

do other men here think it would be a fair thing to hand over more tax money so some guys can have a polygamous marriage that they are paying for? because the one thing that is certain - the guy who has a polygamous marriage is not going to be able to pay out of his own wage for all the education, medical, and housing needs of a large polygamous marriage group

and if all men in this country started havign multiple wives - imagine the tax welfare bill!!!!!!!!! and imagine the poverty if there is no single guys left to pay taxes because they all have a polygamous marriage and are living in serious poverty and the children are uneducated and so there is a serious dumbing down of the next generation

at least if I had a polyandrous marriage with 5 husbands all contributing to the household, then the children would all be properly educated and the taxpayer would not have to contribute to my household

so as you can see - it makes much more economic sense for polyandry than for polygamy from the point of view that polygamy would have to be supported by welfare handouts.

i say that any marriage needs to have some financial arrangement and that it is unfair of the few to plan on using welfare rather than planning to be self sufficient. so to those who seriously are into polygamy - pay your own way and dont apply for any hand outs from anywhere. the rest of us dont want to pay for your chosen lifestyle so plan to be self sufficinet in all things

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

Originally posted by juniperberry
It becomes a problem when the children are 15 and under and "groomed" to be married to someone in particular who has multiple wives already.

I'm not against polygamy so long as it's also legal for women to have multiple husbands. But I do have a problem when one of the participants is under the age of 18.

This is my exact problem.

I want them to stop focusing on the polygamy, and focus on the child abuse and the lack of real education allowed in these groups.

yes the lack of real education and the abject poverty and the way we all as taxpayers have to keep paying ans paying because these polygamous marriages just dont have the money to support all their own needs

anyone who is into that lifestyle - leave us taxpayers out of your lifestyle

I am sure no one wants to pay taxes for those who choose to leech off welfare because they choose a lifestyle that will not allow them to be fully self sufficient.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by megabyte

I highly doubt I would use other's tax money for me, my spouses and children. The men and women can provided for themselves. They just need to prepare and work hard for all the money.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by megabyte

I highly doubt I would use other's tax money for me, my spouses and children. The men and women can provided for themselves. They just need to prepare and work hard for all the money.

if your group does not depend on welfare and is fully self sufficinet then I dont see a problem - so long as all the adults are equally free to move out if they want to

the headache would be if the wives have jobs and then one decides to leave - how do you give her a slice of the marriage home? How do you figure out what her slice of the home is? If she was not a wage earner but took care of children then what?

you can see why the legislators would have a headache sorting that out in court system

the trouble is that polygamous marriages in the western world do take lots of welfare and do plan their family around being on welfare

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by megabyte

This site I posted earlier would help you with you're needed answered.
Bibical Familes
Religion plays a sometimes good and mostly bad role is polygamy.
A Christian woman interested in polygamy would have support from Biblical text. Since many characters from the Bible had multiple wives and it's not consider a sin.
I would have a large house with each wife having her own room and bathroom. Me I don't mind sharing. Kids will be in small number.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles
As far as I am aware, it is legal in Utah....

...nope... high ranking mormons conceeded their religious beliefs regarding polygamy in exchange for utah becoming a state...

During the 1870s and 1880s laws were passed to punish polygamists, and in the 1890 Manifesto, the LDS Church banned polygamy. When Utah applied for statehood again it was accepted. One of the conditions for granting Utah statehood was that a ban on polygamy be written into the state constitution. This was a condition required of other western states that were admitted into the Union later. Statehood was officially granted on January 4, 1896.

...emphasis above are mine...

...the above noted deal is absolutely and positively unconstitutional because it is in direct conflict with the first ammendment, which says "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"... it was a tit for tat trade-off and thats why it was allowed and justified but its still unconstitutional...

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater
reply to post by megabyte

If a consenting woman wants to marry a man and a woman, or a man with 30 wives, it's none of your, or the governments business.

Stating that unless someone is facing a disadvantage they will never agree to something is just plain ignorant.

...omy gawd, i agree with the "gal, go make me a sammich" guy?... dang, thats so creepy!...

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by megabyte

This site I posted earlier would help you with you're needed answered.
Bibical Familes
Religion plays a sometimes good and mostly bad role is polygamy.
A Christian woman interested in polygamy would have support from Biblical text. Since many characters from the Bible had multiple wives and it's not consider a sin.
I would have a large house with each wife having her own room and bathroom. Me I don't mind sharing. Kids will be in small number.


gimme polyandry

I dont want anything to do with poligamy in my life and would kill hubby if he dared to have sex with anyone but me - the end!

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by juniperberry

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

How does it contribute to the discrimination of women or the sexualisation of young girls?

Because, in a lot of cases, the 'wife' is less than 16 years old. Not actually considered a 'consenting adult'. These children are 'groomed' into the role and are not provided with opportunities to understand that there is another way of life.

If you don't think this is true, then look up the name of "Brenda Jensen" who was a 14 year old child bride in Bountiful BC before she ran away...

There are plenty of non-polygamous children in forced and arranged marriages.

Anyone growing up in any kind of culture is subject to the behaviors of that culture.

Polygamy itself is not the problem.

Consenting adults should be allowed to have what ever kind of marriage they want.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by stumason
It is really just an extension of swinging, which is quite legal in most Western nations.

...uh, no... multi-person marriage/relationships are not an extension of "swinging" because that would imply that swinging came first historically and it didnt...

...polyandrous or polygamous relationships were about survival primarily and specifically about the survival of their children, which insured the survival of their culture...

...there have been people who became fascinated with multi-person marriage/relationships because they thought there'd be a lot of kinky sex but those kinds dont stay around long because its not about that...

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by megabyte

Children are the innocents in this - they make no choices, and leaving them with OPTIONS is our job as a society and as decent people.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by megabyte

Children are the innocents in this - they make no choices, and leaving them with OPTIONS is our job as a society and as decent people.

you must have me confused with some other posters because I am totally opposed to poligamy and prefer the one man one woman option

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by megabyte

precisely how a lot of polygamy situations work out finances right now - the husband is not the provider - how could he provide for multiple wives and all their children?

Why are you assuming that it is only the husband that should provide? If we are going to talk about economy, then polygamous and polyandrous families make more economic sense than couples, because you can have more people earning money than just two, and the chance of all of them being unemployed is lower. Polygamous family is going to be wealthier on average than normal family.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks

...there have been people who became fascinated with multi-person marriage/relationships because they thought there'd be a lot of kinky sex but those kinds dont stay around long because its not about that...


It's about having a super clean house and a wide variety of sandwiches available to the man with multiple wives.

Those lucky SOB's.

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