posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 09:45 AM
sorry not very up on planes,the only reason im asking is because ive noticed odd activity in my area recently with helecopters and planes.The planes
have been following the same routes every day for about three weeks,moving across the sky in large circles.This plane i am refereing to was low enough
to see the definate shape of two large black spheres on the under side of the wings,not wheels,the rest of the plane was silver,and if i was to
describe the shape the best i could come up with would be to say it reminded me of an old spitfire,The helecopters come a half hour or so later,follow
the same path,they are large with 2 roters one at each end.Im in the north midlands UK.
[edit on 2-7-2004 by subzero]