posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 05:51 PM
I wanted to post this in the paranormal thread, but I haven't had enough posts yet. I was at a relative's house last week and was taking pictures of
it. On the first picture, the phone kind of slipped so I figured the picture would come out blurry but instead it was this other thing. I have no idea
who or what it is. I'm not really familiar with photo software but I tried to get some more info out of the picture using some different effects. It
could be male or female, it's hard to tell.
The weird thing is that on all other ghost pictures I've seen, the ghost is somewhere, like in a room or this it seems to be the whole
focus of the shot. Plus if it's a figure that's over 5 feet tall, to be in the whole frame I guess it would have to be about 4 feet away, at least.
I'm not really into paranormal stuff, I watch the shows sometimes but that's about it. If anyone is good with photo enhancements I'd like to see if
I can get some more info on this. I looked for missing persons and what not, but with no luck. The house is located in Las Vegas. I figure that's a
blue dress or a friend even mentioned hospital scrubs, so it could be that too, any ideas would be appreciated!
This is the original photo:
For this I used an edge detector, the flowing hair made me think it was a female, but that may also be a result
of me not being familiar with using the software:
This is a zoom on the face, with some coloring:
This is some more edge detecting:
With this I was trying to figure out what the white, cloudy mess was, I'm not sure if that was my finger or not:
Another one of those finger things: