posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 02:21 AM
Most analysis that stems from the Christian churches in regard to Revelation going no further than the Roman empire is due to the church cleric
councils being "8th King" controlled; that is the globalist override of the "Christian" "harlot" system includes the mainstream academic
system's main teachings which is there to promote confusion, division and uncertainty regarding Bible prophecy. From there the mainstream churches
are trained to follow the 666, considering the globalist 8th King as the "saviors of the Jews", because the elites are who mold Israel's modern
history as the carrot to lead the church sector to the 666 by.
A clue is researching just who propped up the Israeli state since 1917. The Rothschilds, Balfour. The churches think God has done all this, "it is
all Isaiah prophecy fulfilling brothers!" thus the Rothschilds are "God" to the churches in this sleight of hand trick and the leading will
continue to the "scarlet wild beast" sold to the churches as "the Kingdom of God on earth brothers!", because that is the basic gist of the church
message. Thus the church clergy is how this infiltration has occurred and it is literally hundreds of years old.
This kind of well engineered delusion is also there to promote a premature "the end of the world" delusion among the churches, with its obligatory
church "rapture" theory. That will aid the world government cycle coming up at which time the whole "Christian" engineered prophecy will be fully
discredited prior to the global dissolution of that institutional network. As it progresses new "insights" will be fed into the globalist controlled
Christian seminary and academic systems to account for the error, and so on—of course by then it will be too late for that system. (Rev17:15-18);
Thus backwardizing the church cleric teaching system will have reached its goal. The answer was in prophecy all along, merely overrun with dated error
by the basic know-it-alls that come from the seminary systems as led by the globalist collective social brain engineers—including that in the
All organized religion is 8th King system controlled. Now we know who the 8th King is, it is the globalist elite "King North" world government
system formed by their "two horned wild beast" Anglo-American globalist elite globalization system main engineers. By now it is COMMON SENSE, not so
much "prophetic interpretation" any longer. This is because in reality (not church fantasy), prophecy always becomes world history in time.
The "7th King" "King South" nation-state system is that which is about to be financially deposed (Dan11:42-43) globally into 8th King world
government over the final cycle as Daniel 11:42-45 and Revelation 17:11-18, Rev16:13-16. That takes a number of years to accomplish. 8th King (King
North parallel) is globalized world government, "7th King" (King South parallel) is the Anglo-American national alliance system forming the basis of
that globalization.
With the aid of much globalism research (and the handy Web) this is all becoming pretty easy to decifer now, much of it is plain common sense with a
little awareness of ones global surroundings. World government is their goal, they will reach it (Rev17:12), and that will trigger the arrival of the
Thus keeping people focused on ancient Rome and the Saturnic Catholic Church also helps keep people, especially Christians, unaware of modern reality.
Now the whole Christian system is in checkmate, they are all in reality supporting the globalist world government agenda and its final cycle premature
"dooms day" expectation which ultimately aids world government global acceptance in their sector of global influence by this hyped doom.
Instead 8th King world government arrives well before Jesus Christ, and the churches and other religions will be holding the 666 empty bag when that
all transpires fully duping the whole by use of the main delusion.