posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 04:24 PM
Superconducting Cables
It is a dream for engineers; resistance-less flow of electric current for transporting large currents in power lines.
A full scale developmental facility was built at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the late 80's. A cable was built using Nb3Sn conductor tape 6mm
wide, with a Critical Temperature of 18K. The cable operated at 1000MVA.
This was the 1st successful application of superconducting power transmission. These cables however, need to transmit very large amounts of power for
them to be cost effective.
N.B. Although superconductors offer no resistance to direct current (dc), the fact that everyday power uses alternating current (ac), means that power
loss is still incurred. This happens because an ac current generates radio waves that are absorbed by the insulating material in the cable. This
happens whether the material is superconducting or not.
The above text taken from this link
Okay here is the summary and my basic little bit of insight. They are talking about high power super conducting material for the transmission of large
volumes of energy, like power transmission lines, (energy weapons), High Yield Fussion Energy Reactors, Advanced Electrical /ION drives etc.
Saying that using super conductors gives you no loss of energy EXCEPT that there is a resistance and hence power loss when using AC current due to
radio waves being absorbed by the insulating material on the conductor.
So since radio wave interference can cause resistence to the electrical current. IS IT NOT POSSIBLE THEN THE antithesis of this paticular radio wave
formation then "push" or accelerate the electrons faster ????
Thus being said would it be possible to stimulate a pulse of electrons with the right frequency radio wave that will actually cause the electrons to
form a more orderly stream and therefore increase the generation points effeciency ?
I was thinking maybe if you sent a directed radio wave of specific form at a carrier line, that instead of causing resistence in the line it would
actually help accelerate the electrons in the cable.