Hello ATS,
Been reading for awhile but, decided to make an account for lack of more useful information being presented. Their is a lot great information
posted here along with great deal of rubbish. I'm not even 20 years old yet but, I am an enlightened intellectual youth. I grew up always wondering
why I disliked banks, public schooling, politicians, Jay z, Kanye west, and other mainstream artists. Then in my sophomore year of high school I came
across John Lear who really opened my eyes. I lied in bed and listened to his 12 part series "The truth about UFO's" on coast to coast. I felt shocked
but, had a feeling that he was on to something. So I started researching his topics and found ATS! Ever Since then This has been my daily news outlet,
while I take everything with a grain of salt of course, nothing is for sure. i did not graduate high school but, I still felt/feel I was smarter than
the rest. I don't mean to Gloat but, I understand things more clearly than most others. I've always felt more like an adult even in middle school and
even had this "nack" for being able to detect lies. I can just see it in people eyes but, growing up with liars all around me things became much more
clear. Have always been interested in psychology and metaphysics but, never could stand to be in school. I'm not the nerdy type, actually much more
the opposite. Also I'm very good a persuading peoples opinions besides the few that wont budge, so that has always helped my case of not sounding
crazy(HeHe). One last thing I would like to add is "420" really helps loosen the mind and makes thoughts run smoothly. I believe marijuana is plant
potential of "Healing all Nations" so to speak. I got a few great videos on my you tube account if anyone would like to take a look. I'm not
necessarily a "pot advocate" but, I think people should keep an open mind to the possibilities out there. Well thanks for taking your time to read my
post hope you enjoyed it. (Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes as I typed this up fairly quick)
Here is something to make your time here worth while. Not sure exactly what to make of it but I kind of agree. While this man makes me very skeptical.
Senator Rockefeller makes a statement about removing Fox, MSNBC, and cutting down the number of channels.
edit on 19-11-2010 by SSDDay because: Not sure how to embed video. So I provided link instead.
More worthwhile information enjoy. (Take it with a grain a salt but, he appears to be part genuine to me. also think he suffers PTSD you will see)
I have this video where a "Aaron McCollum" who claims to have been involved with "black ops" type missions. He is coming forward with this
information because he feels he needs to come to amends with what he did. Now he doesn't force any opinions on you, he states what is fact, second
hand information, or just speculation. He encourages all to do their own research do not take his word, that it self gives him a nice chunk of
credibility. Now he stated there would be false flag attacks involved entirely with Yemen and there would be a "New war on Yemen". Now what is
happening? exactly what he said(about 6-7 months later. Impressive.). Also he explained how the Somali pirates would be involved in this. Let make
this clear. he made these statements January 9, 2010. His prediction did come through, now what is happening? TSA is going down your pants! he made
some very bold statements along with some more "quaky" ones but, dont let those discourage you. I encourage everyone to take a look. He will be
release a more extensive/formal interview soon I hope. Here is the link enjoy.
Information about the false flag operations I believe he was talking about.
on 19-11-2010 by SSDDay because: Adding more entertainment for my readers.