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ATS Island

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posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:11 AM

ATS Island


Frequently threads pop up here on ATS concerning persons wanting ‘OUT’ for themselves and their families. Wanting a life free from Big Brother, free from a Granny State and especially free from the New World Order.

So here's the question. Could we, as ATS’ers - buy and Island - and 'make' our own 'Life'...

Well, let’s say we could.

Let’s say, as a ‘social project’ a big handful of ATS’ers ‘bought’ paradise.
An Island where (despite all our nationalities, etc) we could all get (go with me here) a passport to an ATS Island and ‘live’ as ‘one’...

Do you think we could do it?

Here's where i need your input: How would we ‘govern’ the ‘Island’?
He/She who 'rules' is who chipped in most for the overall cost of the land, or, who contributes the most - Those with let’s say medical skills, teaching skills, etc?

I’d really like to explore your thoughts over a project like this one - Could we do it?

So, give up yout thoughts! How could we make it work? An ATS Island - ‘Out there somewhere’?


I'm asking we keep this serious.
Seriously, lol.


edit on 19-11-2010 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:16 AM
An island full of paranoid, borderline Autistic, depressives?

We already have one of those in the world it's called Britain!

How would you govern a load of people that think that the government is naturally evil? I guess it would have to run on the basis of barely contained anarchy. I can see some serious tribal warfare happening within the first year
edit on 19-11-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by davespanners

An island full of paranoid, borderline Autistic, depressives?

We already have one of those in the world it's called Britain!

Wow, thanks so much for keeping it seriouse right off the bat.

Point is - with our own society we wouldn't be - how did you say it? 'An island full of paranoid, borderline Autistic, depressives.'

Now let's move on to figuring out how we could make this work!

edit on 19-11-2010 by silo13 because:

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by davespanners

Ok you edited your post to add:

How would you govern a load of people that think that the government is naturally evil? I guess it would have to run on the basis of barely contained anarchy. I can see some serious tribal warfare happening within the first year

Those are my questions - How would we do it?

And why so negative from the get go?

'Barely contained anarchy?'


posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:27 AM
First of all you need a team that can prepare the island for inhabitants.
You need to see where to place everything (housing, farms etc.).
After that you need to create a form of governing that is almost perfect because without that we get to the situation we are now in.

After you get all this done, you need to select people that can come because you can't just give access to everybody or you will get criminals that can wreak havoc in a small community.

Hope these suggestions help you in creating a master plan for this

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by silo13

Sorry about the edit, I hit the reply button instead of preview by mistake!

I wasn't really being negative, just realistic.
More or less the only thing I see in common amongst most ATS posters in the inherent distrust for any form of authority figure and an ability to make anything at all into a conspiracy, I doubt if that would change just because the authority figures are now people from ATS as well.

We can barely get through a thread without someone being accused of being an agent or a sheeple and the number of times that ATS is accused of being a site set up by the CIA is ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by silo13
Wanting a life free from Big Brother, free from a Granny State and especially free from the New World Order.

Sounds idylic, but how would we govern this island? Somebody beats up another over religious differences, who steps in between? One wants to use the cove as a sewer, but the next wants it for fishing and swimming, who decides?

Instead of a New World Order, we'd have an ATS Island Order complete with cops, politicians and a bunch of people who can't get along and throw insults around.

Let’s say, as a ‘social project’ a big handful of ATS’ers ‘bought’ paradise - An Island where (despite all our nationalities, etc) we could all get (go with me here) a Passport to an ATS Island and ‘live’ as ‘one’...

Do you think we could do it?

We might buy it but living as one could be pushing it. Lord of the Flies kinda situation.

How would we ‘govern’ the ‘Island’? Who chipped in most for the overall cost of the land, or, who contributes the most ‘on island’... (Those with let’s say medical skills, teaching skills, etc) - Or would we each be ‘equal’?

Equality only exists in theory. In practice, no-one is equal. The one with the most dough in buying the island could be a total idiot who got their cash by ripping off rich seniors (Bernie Madoff). You want him running the show?

There'd have to be elections and we'd have to decide who is best in a democratic way. Or should it be a republic where only the senators vote?

Where would our electricity come from? Are we going to be a 'North korea' closed off from the rest of the world? If not, what about an airstrip and seaport? What about housing? What do we use for currency?

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:34 AM
It would have to based upon a democracy, members would have to canvas votes of fellow members to hold certain vital positions within the community, Referendums would be held on all subjects that effect the lives of the islanders and it would be majority rule, a public debate would be held before each referendum to make sure all islanders knew the issues they were voting on. Your vote on the referendum will only be granted if you have attended the public debate.

Thats as far as i can go without knowing the resources available to the islanders

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Well, there was that guy who built his own island a little while ago. I'm sure if ATS members started collecting bottles we could build an ATS island in no time. Could you imagine if ATS built a chain of islands and conspiracy nuts were out on the ocean in a giant flotilla.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:57 AM
The sad truth is that in this day and age we cannot ever escape.

Who would protect this sanctuary?

Every nut case with a nuke could level the island if the right people pointed fingers. The people would be either labeled terrorists or a cult.
At the very least, there would be a base put on the island and it's inhabitants would be 'encouraged' to live there.

It would be nice to have a bit of utopia, but it just is not possible anymore. You would always be under someone's rule.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by momoney

Sounds idylic, but how would we govern this island? Somebody beats up another over religious differences, who steps in between? One wants to use the cove as a sewer, but the next wants it for fishing and swimming, who decides?

These are the questions, but you're well on the right track.
Just who would govern?
Those who paid the most?
Definitely not.
Those qualified?
How would we, well, qualify' them?

Keep going!


posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by momoney

Added note:

Where would our electricity come from? Are we going to be a 'North Korea' closed off from the rest of the world? If not, what about an airstrip and seaport? What about housing? What do we use for currency?

I get the feeling from those who want a 'get away island' - is no electricity, live off the land, fish and hunt and farm and do the animal thing...

Back to basics...


posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by momoney

Added note:

Where would our electricity come from? Are we going to be a 'North Korea' closed off from the rest of the world? If not, what about an airstrip and seaport? What about housing? What do we use for currency?

I get the feeling from those who want a 'get away island' - is no electricity, live off the land, fish and hunt and farm and do the animal thing...

Back to basics...


posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by AlexIR

Thanks for your post and for staying in the theme of things.

First of all you need a team that can prepare the island for inhabitants.
You need to see where to place everything (housing, farms etc.).

I was thinking more along the lines of - make as you go though.
Like we're all 'dumped' off there on that ol ATS Island - as a group.
Make a go of it from day one - as a team - all as one - etc...

What do you think?


posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by silo13

So here's the question. Could we, as ATS’ers - buy and Island - and 'make' our own 'Life'...

You mean

With all the homophobes, jew haters, nazi and hitler supporters, religious fundamentalists, muslim haters, paranoids, star children, self proclaimed prophets, aliens sent to save us, and pseudo skeptics?

Yeah, sure, why not?

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

With all the homophobes, jew haters, nazi and hitler supporters, religious fundamentalists, muslim haters, paranoids, star children, self proclaimed prophets, aliens sent to save us, and pseudo skeptics?

Yeah, sure, why not?

And what label do you fall under in all that diatribe? Honestly - is that all you think ATS'ers are composed of?

Personally - I do not. I think, no, I believe there are a LOT of honest, kind, loving, true people out there who want to live FREE from all that *bleep* you just described.

That's what we want to leave behind.

Along with negativity, so, hint hint, don‘t bother packing your bags.

edit on 19-11-2010 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by silo13

Yeah, and just about the time we all got settled, formed a government, printed our medium of money, and planted our organic crops, the FEDS would swoop down screaming "those people are stockpiling arms," and "these people are domestic terrorists," and would shoot and shoot until every one of us was dead, so no witnesses would survive. The MSM would repost on, "the dangerous cult that took over an island and was planning attacks on US interests. Nancy Grace would call it a "travesty of justice," while Larry King would interview the families.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 01:00 PM
As long as i can grow my own weed, I'll be there

It would be anarchy though. you'd have people shooting anything that moves, people trying to protect the things being shot, people burning other fellow ATS'ers as witches etc.

Actually, it would make a good tv series. ATS reality Island.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 01:17 PM
I would have to give this considerably more thought, but here are a few initial ideas that immediatly jumped into mind:

1. I think a first requirement would be an agreement by everyone coming to live in harmony here to abandon the entire ridiculously flawed left-right paradigm. Liberal vs. Conservative in the context of US political madness would have no place in such a place, the concepts would be fairly irrelevant.

2. Capitol punishment would not exist, anyone who commited a serious crime would be, after a fair hearing/trial, deported without possibility of returning.

3. Commerce would and could be carried out by two methods alone: barter and a gold and silver backed economy. The constitution would include language that would prohibit any form of fractional banking in perpetuity.

4. A feasible judicial model would have to be negotiated.

5. Not at all to sound socialist, but I think it might be an interesting concept to truly make the island's MINIMAL government service based. Each resident would serve at some point in time for a predetermined period in an administrative position that their particular skill set was suited to. There would be no campaign/election cycle. Though there would be provisions for a type of 'comfidence' vote if residents felt that someone was having difficulty fulfilling their term of service.

6. Small business and entrepernuership would be welcomed and encouraged, Mega corps and multinational corperations would be prevented from opening up shop. No McD's, Starbucks, Wallyworld, or other such business would be allowed. Of course, small businesses would be permitted to deal with such corperations, merely such corperations would never be allowed to open doors there.

7. All agriculture would be Non-GMO only. (which dovetails into the above). Anyone knowingly bringing in or planting Monsanto type seeds would be subject to deportation. Hybird non-GMO crops may be allowable, however a clear preference would and should be shown for open pollinated varieties. All food would be required by island law to be purely Organic.

I may well add more ideas later after I've had time to give things more though.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by OzWeatherman

With all the homophobes, jew haters, nazi and hitler supporters, religious fundamentalists, muslim haters, paranoids, star children, self proclaimed prophets, aliens sent to save us, and pseudo skeptics?

Yeah, sure, why not?

And what label do you fall under in all that diatribe? Honestly - is that all you think ATS'ers are composed of?

Personally - I do not. I think, no, I believe there are a LOT of honest, kind, loving, true people out there who want to live FREE from all that *bleep* you just described.

That's what we want to leave behind.

Along with negativity, so, hint hint, don‘t bother packing your bags.

edit on 19-11-2010 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

Well seeing as you missed the point of what I was trying to say, let me put it to you in simple language so you can comprehend. And judging by the threads on ATS, yes, there are many people here that fit that label

Homophobes will not mix with homosexuals.
Religious fundamentalists will not mix with homosexuals or atheists
Nazi worshippers will not mix with anyone but may agree with relgious fundamentalist on their views on homosexuality
Jew haters will not mix with Israelis but may agree with nazi worshippers, but will not mix with fundamentalist from other religions
Muslim haters will not mix with muslims, and muslims will not mix with fundamentalists if other religions
Paranoids will not trust anyone and are likely to spread paranoia on any group on the island
Star Children will not fit in because they think they are star children and different from everyone else
Self proclaimed prophets will turn up because their ignorance will cloud their better judgement
Aliens sent to save us will try and unite all groups, but fail due to the number of fundamentalists and nazi worshippers
And psuedo skeptics will deny that this island even exists. Period

Get it?

edit on 19/11/2010 by OzWeatherman because: (no reason given)

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