posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:38 PM
Leatest news from Russian site
Disputes concerning construction of first-ever experimental thermonuclear reactor ITER do not cease. Recently the management of the project is
compelled to untangle a balls not so much scientific and technical, how many political disagreements, and the main thing - to solve, where the first
installation using self-sustaining reaction of thermonuclear synthesis all the same will be located.
With initiative of creation the USSR in 1985. Now the USA, some countries of the European Community, Russia, China, Japan and South Korea participate
in it realization. ITER will develop up to 500 �V the electric power at expenses in 50 �V (for comparison, capacity of the first-ever atomic power
station started in Obninsk in 1954, made 5 �V).
That fact testifies to importance of the project, that the Ministry of power of the USA, making in 2003 the twenty years' plan of financing of large
scientific projects, has appropriated to participation in ITER the best priority.
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