posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:26 PM
Four Loko the drink that is 12 percent alcohol infused with caffeine is being driven into nonexistence.
The FDA has just stated that alcoholic drinks combined with caffeine is unhealthy and should not be allowed to remain legal.
State after state is banning the sale of Four Loko, as well as all drinks that include caffeine and alcohol.
If the FDA and states can start banning different types of alcoholic drinks such as "Four Loko", who is to say they will stop at one type of drink?
The makers of Four Loko has just announced they will now exclude caffeine from their popular drinks, as well as two other energy ingredients.
Will this be salt in the wound of prohibitionists? Will they ban this fruity malt liquor caffeine or not????
Now, I will tell the future for you.
First caffeine infused energy drinks will be banned, then malt liquor will be banned. After that, Ice beer will be banned and after that
We will all be dry in four years time. By force !!!
That is if we do not act soon.
Prohibition is coming people. I can see it ! Does anyone else see it? They are starting with this Four Loko circus.
There is an ACTIVE CONSPIRACY against alcohol. Help me to understand just who is behind this recent prohibition attempt.
edit on 17-11-2010 by wiredamerican because: Nfo.