posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:35 PM
I am also trying to alter my diet. This is because of what I have been learning as part of my natural medicine course. HFCS not something that is used
a whole lot here (our sugar still comes from sugar cane), so that is easy to avoid. But in saying that standard white sugar is pointless too. Our
principle(M.H.Sc (Comp. Med), Dip. App Sc naturopathy/chemistry), who runs all our lectures and writes our course material, has a few things he is
constantly reinforcing.
1. We never hunted/gathered bowls of wheat...In fact we only started eating wheat 10,000 years ago.
2. The only sugar we should be eating is unprocessed (like honey, agave necter) and then rarely, with the exception of what is in fruits.
3.animal:plant subsistence ratio was 65:35
(Cordain, Brand-Miller, Eaton & Speth, American Journal Clinical Nutrition 2000)
4. If it comes in a can don't eat it.
So what I am trying to do is, eat more nuts, seeds, green vegetables, fruits and lean meats....Cutting carbs down to 100g or less per day...Drinking
more water (I like to add, a drop or two of natural essence, like chamomile, lime, ginger etc as I still find drinking plain water hard to drink.)
So pretty much paleolithic diet.