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Question about the officialreport. Steele heating up

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posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
The whole thing is ridiculous. The event is being rationalized backwards.

The buildings were destroyed so it had to be the fire so the steel had to get hot enough.

But where do they tell us how many tons of steel were in the vicinity of the plane impact against the south tower? There had to be enough steel there to support another 29 stories of the building. So how could that much steel get hot enough to weaken in less than an hour?

But then it must have happened because the building was destroyed. it is just circular pseudo-logic to justify what people want to believe, it is not an explanation. Without accurate data on the distributions of steel and concrete this entire incident is a bunch of crap. It is just dragging stupidity on and on and on...

But the laws of physics will never change. How long will the structural engineers make themselves look stupid?


Thats why the NIST report is not being accepted in the mainstream. It is blatantly obvious that it puts the scientific process upside down and is seen by experts as an instrument to confuse people like me, who are not very well educated on the subject, but does not hold up the slightest bit to scrutinity, as soon as an expert with basic knowledge on how a research is supposed to be conducted gets his or her hands on it.
edit on 19-11-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

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