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What More Can WE Do?

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 02:33 AM
This thread was inspired by the Geraldo thread and the discussion within. Some are hopeful that the latest
"Buidling What" campaign will help bring our cause to justice.

What more can we do aside from debating on the internet (which ultimately does nothing)?

This is not a thread worthy of debate, this is a brainstorm session to those brave enough to get active.
Feel free to list ideas of how to spread the word, or share ideas of what you have done/currently do to
help get the word out.

- Donate to AE911 and purchase videos. This is by far the most active and vocal group fighting for us
in my opinion. They are getting onto news channels, they are knocking on NIST's door, they are calling
for legal action.

- Lend these videos out to friends and family. Have them research for themselves. Constantly follow
up and discuss their thoughts.

- Lend videos to local Universities to specific departments in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, etc.
Get them onboard with other professionals. Strength in numbers IMO. The current count at AE911
is 1,360 as of Nov. 17th.

Use AE911's evidence model and documents when contacting your local professionals.
Your thoughts?

Maybe we can report our progress in this thread and keep each other motivated? Who's in?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by turbofan

so you are part of the campaign that brings this all to light. Isn't that TPTBs plan?
edit on 17-11-2010 by nittin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:06 AM
Web debate is all that will ever come of this.

People saw the second plane hit on TV. You will never change their minds no matter how much you shout. Our lives have moved on and to be honest, other than sympathy most of us have little skin in the game. As the years go by interest will only drop.

Websites and DVDs are just another way to make money. I know because I have done this for years. To burn and ship a DVD costs about $2.50. It’s a cash cow. You have to keep in mind the profit factor when you look at the motives of individuals and their websites.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by turbofan

Tough question, Edward de Bono's work might be useful

APC: Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices could well sum up the essence of de Bono Thinking, sometimes called, possibility thinking. The AGO: Aims, Goals, Objectives tool was described as a group of synonyms. The same observation applies with the APC. The three descriptors are interchangeable. My preference is for alternatives and possibilities. The issue of choice has been fully explained in the CoRT lesson sample, C&S: Consequence and Sequel.

Although this does not answer the OP question it might be some fuel to the fire.

IMHO I don't hold much hope, we all see how the MSM operate for money and YET it's apparently the truthers that out out to make cash with a few DVD's which are often handed out for free.

The AGO would suggest a rather radical change to our political landscape and I don't know if that is a good idea, well it is, its better to not believe in a lie but there is too much invested and I would rather a peaceful revolution.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by samkent

Thanks for your opinion even though I don't agree.

As for 'profiting', sure maybe some have abused this in the past, but the additional costs associated
for burning a DVD also include research time/expenses, equipment costs, web site hosting fees, etc.

I don't mind giving someone a little extra for their efforts and fighting for a cause that I believe in.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by turbofan
- Donate to AE911 and purchase videos. This is by far the most active and vocal group fighting for us
in my opinion. They are getting onto news channels, they are knocking on NIST's door, they are calling
for legal action.

While you're at it, you should buy THIS:

"Investigate 9/11" T-shirt for your dog

After all, every dollar you truthers selfishly hoard for frivolous things like rent, food, and medicine is another dollar that Dylan Avery and Richard Gage can use to help them ask for more money. Are you going to sit there and allow the sinister secret agents incessantly plotting to kill us all get away with it, when buying a T-shirt for your dog will directly help in exposing the secret plutocratic oligarchy that controls the world?

Sarcasm aside, I've been saying from day one that these 9/11 conspiracy web sites are just a bunch of unrepentent con artists coming up with schemes to separate you from your money, and we have a prime example being served on a silver platter right here. What, exactly, has Richard Gage produced in the last nine years that has gotten you even one inch closer to any more investigations? The only ones buying his rhetoric are the people who were already suckered by these conspiracy fairy tales to begin with and everyone else, including NIST, pretty much just roll their eyes and ignore him the same way NASA does with the "moon landing is a hoax" crackpots.

Heck, at least with my link you'll get a T-shirt for your dog.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Sorry, don't have a dog. Thanks for your input though.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Sorry, don't have a dog. Thanks for your input though.

What difference should that make? Buy a t-shirt for someone else's dog. You're donating money to help further the "investigate 9/11" cause here, after all, and that's the ultimate message you're trying to get across in the OP, isn't it?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I'm proud of people who can make money, especially off the truth. If they want to make a 9/11 t-shirt and sell it that is fine by me, I may not buy one but it gets the word out and this operation doesn't pay for itself. Are you a communist that doesn't like people to make money? This is a capitalist system, at least it was one before the powers that be took it from underneath us, but I'm sure you don't care about that, what are your views really? Are you pro McCain, pro Obama? Do you just back whoever is in power? What's your political affiliation, "Dave"? Just curious.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The ultimate message is to spread the word because the pathetic, biased and government controlled media wont.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by turbofan
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The ultimate message is to spread the word because the pathetic, biased and government controlled media wont.

But in that case I'd have thought you'd doubly want to buy a dog t-shirt. As you're walking your dog (or your neighbor's dog, since you don't have one of your own), people will be walking by and, as they see a T-shirt on the dog, they'll stop to see what it says. You should buy a case of the things to hand out to the dog owners you know, since it'll "spread the word" a lot better than the AE911 people ever could and it'll make you feel better about yourself for giving your money away.

You're not telling me that you're going back on your word and refusing to donate to a worthy cause that "spreads the word", are you? Or, are you just saying that it's other people who should donate their money to these 9/11 conspiracy promoters and not you?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Lord Jules
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I'm proud of people who can make money, especially off the truth. If they want to make a 9/11 t-shirt and sell it that is fine by me, I may not buy one but it gets the word out and this operation doesn't pay for itself. Are you a communist that doesn't like people to make money?

I'm glad you see it that way. In that case, I'm sure I can interest you in a Prison Planet license plate frame, molded in genuine plastic. It's a five dollar value, and it's yours for only $9.95 plus S&H:

Prison Planet License plate frame

You can have the privilege of paying to advertise Alex Jones' web site on your car, and people can go there and learn the truth that the world is going to become a global dictatorship any day now unless we give him our money. You're not going to hold onto a measily ten dollars when you can give it to Jones to get the message out, particularly since you're "so proud of him", are you? You might as well run up to an orphan and kick him in the nuts, you stingy, global dictatorship loving communist, you.

At what point will it finally dawn on you what the true motives of these snake oil peddlers are? I can't make it any more plain than this.

Are you pro McCain, pro Obama? Do you just back whoever is in power? What's your political affiliation, "Dave"? Just curious.

I voted for Obama, not becuase I support his quasi-socialist policies, but becuase I wanted every last vestige of Bush out of the White House. I really wish we had a, "none of the above" vote so we could cashier them both and get new candidates...but this is neither here nor there. Up until now, you truthers have patiently taught me that there really is no difference between Bush, Obama, McCain, or whoever, becuase since Obama isn't going along with your conspiracy claims and demanding more investigations it is a de facto admission that he's in on the conspiracy too. According to you truthers, they're all just different covers for the same book so what difference does it make who I vote for?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDaveYou're not telling me that you're going back on your word and refusing to donate to a worthy cause that "spreads the word", are you? Or, are you just saying that it's other people who should donate their money to these 9/11 conspiracy promoters and not you?

No, no. Don't confuse yourself.

I have donated. I continue to donate. I'd rather buy more DVD's so I can pass them out while helping the

I think you'd look great in a doggie shirt; maybe I'll buy you one for christmas?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by turbofan

What more can we do aside from debating on the internet (which ultimately does nothing)?

Nothing. Really, this is going nowhere. Almost 10 years and nothing more than a handful of fringers hanging on either for personal psychological reasons or to make a few dishonest bucks.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by turbofan

Nothing really just get more peopel to doubt the official story then at least people will question gov and police corruption.

It takes along time for people to change.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:02 PM
Why isn't the Truth Movement going after the engineering schools and getting on Richard Gage's case about some REAL PHYSICS?

I emailed Gage in 2007:

But his site says nothing about how steel has to be distributed in a skyscraper to hold itself up. How are we supposed to get people to UNDERSTAND why airliners could not do that in less than 2 hours? But if airliners could not do it then the engineering schools automatically get dragged into this issue for letting this go on for NINE YEARS.


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