posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Hello everyone. On Thanksgiving 2004 I walked out my back door onto my deck. It was about 12 midnight. As soon as I open the door I observed what
appeared to be a bolt of lightning come out of the ground , a huge ball of electric and then it scattered. Im not really sure what was first the bolt
or the ball. I Sh*t you not. This happened literally 100ft away from me. I estimate the bolt to be about 5 ft in diam and it rose approx 30 ft in the
air. The ball of electric approx30 ft in diam. Very bright light. There was no noise at all and it was a very clear cool night. As I stood ther in
total disbelief The air was very electrified and a eerie feeling came over me. As if someone was watching me. Really creepy. I went inside locked all
the doors and went to bed.
The next day I was telling my boss and he said maybe I saw a meteorite. The leonids are around that time. So I started searching for my meteorite that
night, and continued until april. I have 17 acres and the back yard is a corn field. A local farmer farms the land so after he planted the corn I
stopped. My family and friends can attest to my obsession of searching. My wife and I had some pretty good ones since I was bringing in rocks with mud
all over them and washing them in the kitchen sink. I was literally consumed with searching for something. In October2005 the farmer cut the corn
down, he also turned the soil so I went out on my daily search. There was a little bit of snow on the ground so Im out there walking in the spot where
this happened and I was saying to myself "alright, where is my big black rock" I turned around and sitting on top of the snow is this black shiny
I sent pictures to one of the internet meteorite guys and he thought I was going to send him pictures of a fulgurite. It is not that.. He told me to
have it analyzed at Actlabs and send the results to him. He replied after the results and said it was not a meteorite due to the composition. He said
it was a sulphur loving "rock". Im no geologist chemist etc so I have know idea what that means. He said sorry and good luck. I took it to the univ
of De and Penn to let the geologists tell me what it was. I was fully thinking the would know exactly what this thing is. I was wrong. Univ of De had
no idea but they said it was definitely not a rock. I asked if the thought it was some sort of slag and the said it could be but didnt really have the
characteristics of slag. The Univ of Penn actully looked at the thing under some microscopes. I left it with them for qa couple of days. When I went
to pick it up the secretary told me that the geologists believed it to be a piece of glass not fully melted but rapidly cooled. She also told me that
they believed that there were garnets in it. I di not get to talk to these guys to pick their brain. Next I sent an email to the Smithsonian and didnt
get a reply for almost 7 months. i sent pictures and the analysis to the geologist and she said she could identify anything. When she saw the
pictures and analysis she was not sure. She asked if I could send her a piece. She was truly amazed at this "rock". She got one of her collegues to
look at it under and some sort of microscope and she believes its some sort of slag rich in lead zinc and silver. She said there were silver and zinc
mines in Phoenixville Pa which is quite a bit away from where im at. She doesnt have an explanation of why it would be on my property though andcould
not explain the phenomena I saw. Ive sent pics and analysis to many ufo researchers, omnly one took a real interest but has not been able to get
scientists to study this thing. Stan Friedman said it was an amazing story and asked for my info but has yet to return my emails. I sent it to Bill
Birnes when he had his tv show but I guess he was too interested in analyzing lava rock form the bottom of the ocean. Others just said they had no
idea nor took any interest in further investigating.
So Im here after 6 years of searching. Go through phases of interest myself. I was wondering if any scientists are out there. I would put the oics up
if someone can tell me how to do that. The analysis is in a excel file so that too! Some thing about the rock. Its about 6 in long 3 in high its
curved on one side and concave on the other. It weighs 2.2 pds attracts a magnet very strongly, except on the bottom there is this strange film and
the magnet will not stick to it.It scratches glass very easily. I had it in my car this summer and it got so hot I thought i could fry an egg on it. I
tapped it with my hammer and it broke in two pieces. Whats weird is that in the center of where it broke the inside is the same as the outside, but
where i have cut into the rock with a wet saw it is totally different . The inside is a gray matrix and outside is a shiny glass black. That suggests
to me the maybe it was rapidly cooled and two pieces formed. Does that make any sense?? You can see what I mean when you see the pics.
The analysis is a little strange in that when the total came back it states 78.8% . I asked the lady at the Smithsonian about that and she said that
since the "rock" is high in lead and zinc those values were out of tha range when the test was down. I assume the limits are set low to find all of
the elements. Thats why I need someone who can decipher this analysis.
So if anyone can help me get these pics and analysis up that would be great and then maybe someone out there in ATS world can figure this mystery out.
One other thing is if this was slag from say a foundry and lets say they dumped it on my property I would think I would find ONE more piece. Believe
me I have looked. Think that is it. Hope someone can help.