reply to post by AlexIR
Blackwater is now officially Xe corp.
The Can./American mutual defense pact allows Candian troops to be used in the US and vice versa....
NATO troops are stationed in the US and Can. regularly for training purposes.
If the PTB knew in advance(obviously)they arrange for several different countries to send trainees over in battalion strength.......maybe?
I agree Mercinaries have already been employed on the CONUS for emergencies in the recent past.BP. Katrina.
Iraq has fifty thousand mercs emplyed there at present.
Afghanistan probably less....but signifigant numbers.....
It would be possible to declare Martial law under some guises because the populace may be held at bay for otherreasons.
Restrictions on travel, because of outbreaks or radiation etc.
It woulddnt take much to make the majority cower in ther homes with masking tapes over the door cracks etc for a long time,,,,,
Remember FEAR is their weapon, not the amount of guns on the street......
Precisely applied rumurs and brutality in measured doses at crucial moments, the ability to use tactical nukes, or chem or bio warfare wherever they
need to tie things up......not to mention a huge arsenal of non lethaal weapons like giant microwave dishess that make you feel like you are on fire
if caught in its rays....anyone would drop ther weapon and run like hell, just to escape it.....everyone would.....
Then there defibately are weapons which work through electromagnetic spectrums to create emotional, and mental conditions in large numbers of
Just look at the apathy theyve already induced in most people.......
The revolution has some very definate disadvantages going in,,,
It would be fairly easy to subdue the US even with all the guns if the gloves were taken off and the screws put to the populace.....theyve been
preparing for a long time, and continue to do so....
Including soldiers helmets which control or influence their brain functions.
Darpa has already made progress at this.......
They are looking for synthetic telepathy....They already have computer recofnition programs for analysing whether you are lying or agitated
etc....pinpointing conspirators before they pull the pin so to speak....
This scanning equipment is just pre production, but full body scanning vans are already rumoured too be deployed out there somewhere....
Look for these and other civil control devices to be fully deployable and available to a wide range of LEO soon.
Then there is the advances in nanoboticss which may see the wide dispersal of obile scanning platforms of micro sized insect like drones with
rudimentary intelligence.
As well as robotic cops which act independantly of humans(liike the speed cameras now but mobile and capable of detaining you even)Imagine having to
check in the airport with an interview with a computer which scans you both physically and pyscholigically as well as recrds a full body x ray of you
while you sit in a booth which could be instantly sealed with you inside for easy pick up if the computer detects any variance from normal
Far fetched?I dont think we are that far off from being able to deliver on the whole concept....
Our revolution will have to be both viral, and non violent.
It has to cme fom the entire bulk of humanity wanting the same things at the same time, and willing it to be so.....
The revolution will have to come from withoin the hearts of all men of good will, and it will have to be so subtle as the PTB will not even suspect
its creeping to a tipping both in science and in spirituality are the keys to sparking the revolution off.Many are awkening to
the horror of the reality thats been thrust upon us.
When we all can see it painly,and refuse to follow, it will haappen.all by itself, and without firing a shot.