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Jews are smart because they know the operations of Life!

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:32 AM
The Jewish community are not evil. They just know the operations of life and society. They follow the belief of triangular operation where the bottom supports the top and the top support the bottom in direction.

They are spiritual positive people helping all man get to where we are today.

This is the star of David which bought mankind to the point at which we are now at. A upright triangle meaning the age of mankind and a upside down triangle representing the age women and technology or rebirthing of energy.

How do you think the pyramids in Egypt were build to perfect mathematical equasions. The size of stones used in the pyramids could not have been moved by primates. They were made by the previous cycle of technology which man created.

Jesus stated this as he was know as king of the Jews. The triangle represents Fuel, Heat & Oxygen which is fire! I'm sure people know about the fire triangle. Jesus said this was Satins domain of Fire due to knowledge. The serpent tempted man with knowledge in the garden of eden. ( Earth ). Learning has got us to the point we are at today.

Fire burns and has a negative effect on us. Our spirit is positive and external factors play a massive part in our lives no matter where you are on Earth. Mankind loves fire. We worship the Sun through time and numbers.

Money is formed through the same system of triangular or pyramid operation. BANKS were formed through law of the sea. Private familys that owned the BANKS or land of there country created money for there citizens of which country they were in. This was the trade Law or international law which is water. The sea is International waters. This is why pirates could operate and not be prosecuded in a country but only in waters of the sea through the sinking of there ships. Law of the Land is each individual countrys Law for the common citizen of there own country. This bought people out of darkness and into the light.

People are created through water. 0pt energy. The further you go from the Sun water freezes and the closer you go in evaporates. This theory has been proved by scientists. Jesus said he was everything and nothing.

With this knowledge man knew they were King of the domain. The Sphinx is that representation with the Mans head in the Lion. The Lion being king of the animal kingdom.

We all eat meat. This is an animal of this domain. It increases brain power.

Our inner spiritual being is Mind, Heart & Soul. This is considered as positive energy. The external factors of life in fire are negative! We are all living batteries.

Time for the world to wake up and realise where they are!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:43 AM

We all eat meat. This is an animal of this domain. It increases brain power.

Think you might be onto something there. Jewish people mostly eat Kosher food. And leave the unclean food alone.
Unclean as stipulated in the Bible. I believe diet plays a big part in intelligence. We eat so much junk in general, is it any wonder that the world is being slowly dumbed down?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:02 AM
the last cohesive tribe, they are called Jews... are in a natural timing zone of living...
by that i mean they follow the Lunar cycle...
note that the business cycle,,,'quarterly periods' are 13 weeks long

the Solar calander of months are fitted into the Quarterly periods not the other way around...

if one is attuned to nature, and is aware of the 3 prevelent time cycles of todays world,
you too will have a leg-up on the masses.
which is what your hinting at with the thread title. good observation * for you

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:07 AM
This system of triangle operation is practiced in the workplace, sporting field and general society. The workplace being a boss, the sporting field being a captain and general society being Kings & Queens, Presidents, Primeministers ect.

We are all the general workers for the elite! The bottom of the triangle supporting the top.

Mankind is full of sin! The final judgement will be all must judge ourselves on how we treat others.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:12 AM
jews are NO smarter than any other race on earth.

stop drinking the protokols of xionistic corn sugar flavored kool aid.

'They follow the belief of triangular operation where the bottom supports the top and the top support the bottom in direction. '

my belief is everyone should work equally hard for a better society.
my belief is no one deserves to be 'on top' of the so called 'pyramid.'

but im a libertarian constitutionalist so i was taught differently than an elitist pyramid scheme of 'top' and 'bottom' people(s.)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Money is formed through the same system of triangular or pyramid operation. BANKS were formed through law of the sea. Private familys that owned the BANKS or land of there country created money for there citizens of which country they were in.

Thats the only thing you say that matters...Control of money, interest, usary...
Earning your way by contributing/producing nothing is not IMO God's way...
God would hope Man would produce/contribute to survive...
Not live off others...Which is the way of the banks and finance...

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Not all Jewish are evil, not all of them are good either.

Gotta love the way you generalize - there's people stupid and wise in every part of the world. Jews are no more wise or stupid than anyone else.

You still have lot to learn.


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

I sense a great disturbance in the force ...

This thread literally frightens me.

NO, I am not anti-Jewish.

NO, I am not anti-Christian.

NO, I am not close-minded.

I would ponder your thread more seriously ... but it's pure conjecture. I can't even find a single legitimate point in your labyrinth of opinion, theory, and symbolism.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Man needs law in life due to the external circumstances that life is. If Law was non exsistant, mankind will not be where they are today.

The army and police do an excellent job in society of all nations. This is required to keep civil order.
Yes, Unfortunatley, it creates war between countrys during time. It always has until we all think as one.

I'm not a drug taker. This alters the mind for a escape. Why don't people realise that all illegal drugs are a escape from life. Even alcohol if taken continually. This creates problems in the family structure and society in general.

Man has achieved this impressive position in life through thinking of each other in positive aspects. Each country looks after the citizens of there country.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by Nurv47
reply to post by Archangelelijah

I sense a great disturbance in the force ...

This thread literally frightens me.

NO, I am not anti-Jewish.

NO, I am not anti-Christian.

NO, I am not close-minded.

I would ponder your thread more seriously ... but it's pure conjecture. I can't even find a single legitimate point in your labyrinth of opinion, theory, and symbolism.


This thread is not conjecture, it's pure truth! Look at nature itself. Everything on Earth is the element of Fuel, Heat Oxygen. Plants, Animals, People.
Internally we are all water! Look at your surroundings and think!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

This thread is not conjecture, it's pure truth! Look at nature itself. Everything on Earth is the element of Fuel, Heat Oxygen. Plants, Animals, People.
Internally we are all water! Look at your surroundings and think

And that all equates to jews being smarter?
How? Are you jewish and smart? If you were then I'd imagine you'd know the difference between "there and their".

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by Archangelelijah

This thread is not conjecture, it's pure truth! Look at nature itself. Everything on Earth is the element of Fuel, Heat Oxygen. Plants, Animals, People.
Internally we are all water! Look at your surroundings and think

And that all equates to jews being smarter?
How? Are you jewish and smart? If you were then I'd imagine you'd know the difference between "there and their".

Yes, I made a mistake in spelling as we all do some time.

Your mistake was not reading the message correctly. It is not pure conjecture. You obviously have no common sense. Look at your surroundings my friend.

Read the post correctly and read the replys before your comment.

All religions are positive thinking. The soul needs to think positive. Jesus died on the cross for you. This symbol (+).

We are all smart. Why do you think we go to school and learn in life. This is the domain of Satin. All things are negative and positive. This is a spark which creates fire!

As stated prior to your comment. Water gives us internal life. We are a living battery!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Archangelelijah
A upright triangle meaning the age of mankind and a upside down triangle representing the age women and technology or rebirthing of energy.

I understand the triangle to be male via its symbol of penetration opposite the upside down triangle being the chalice (female), but if females are the zero point energy, water/rebirth, wouldn't technology be more closely associated with the realm of fire?

The triangle represents Fuel, Heat & Oxygen which is fire! I'm sure people know about the fire triangle. Jesus said this was Satins domain of Fire due to knowledge. Learning has got us to the point we are at today.

Learning about the manipulation of heat and oxygen with metals is how we eventually came to create the technology we use today. Even the sword was a piece of technology created by man using heat and metal for negative purposes.

Fire burns and has a negative effect on us. Our spirit is positive and external factors play a massive part in our lives no matter where you are on Earth. Mankind loves fire. We worship the Sun through time and numbers.

So are jews smarter because they see that the fire and water, the positive and negative, are unified in symbiotic form, aka the star of david, and that intrinsically as humans we have to battle with the polarities inside to remain balanced? Or that we should accept the negative form as willingly as we accept our positive attributes? I'm just not certain how

Private familys that owned the BANKS

brought people out of darkness and into the light

when bankers ARE the TPTB. The whole reason why the world is falling apart under the hegemony of the elite, and the greed, corruption, and world unification via fear they strive for and represent.

We all eat meat. This is an animal of this domain. It increases brain power.

Early beings in Genesis were vegetarians.
Now if I could pull a cheeseburger from a cow's gut and it still be alive, that would be cool, but if are all of the same energy, if we are all ONE, then would you want someone killing you for food? Or is human energy more special? I suppose it could be... we do have a higher level of consciousness...

Our inner spiritual being is Mind, Heart & Soul. This is considered as positive energy. The external factors of life in fire are negative! We are all living batteries.

Time for the world to wake up and realise where they are!

I agree. We are spiritual beings. But I don't feel you're addressing how understanding the meaning of the star of david (the unification of positive and negative), or as you put it, being jewish, makes you smarter, when in another thread you said

Man must be cleansed of Jelousy, greed, hate, war and negativaty in general for advancement in space

Jealously, greed, hate, war = negativity. This falls in the upright triangle of man. If we are trying to eliminate these traits of humanity, then what does being jewish have to do with abolishing these characteristics?

Or does merely recognizing these traits qualify as being immune to their properties?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:47 PM

We are all smart. Why do you think we go to school and learn in life. This is the domain of Satin. All things are negative and positive. This is a spark which creates fire!

Perhaps you're saying that Satan is essential in understanding the divine unity God has intended for us to learn? And that being encapsulated by the negative traits of Satan's realm would lead to a distorted understanding of His (God's) divine plan in that everyone should solely look out of themselves as opposed to one other? That would be the antithesis of Jesus, who came to be the servant, not to be served.

So perhaps Jews are special because they recognize that "Satan" and his attributes are just as necessary to live as the positive aspects are, and that balance is the key to life.. just don't over indulge in any area.

Hey, jews must not believe in hell for some reason, right?!
edit on 30-11-2010 by 4KAAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

How do you think the pyramids in Egypt were build to perfect mathematical equasions. The size of stones used in the pyramids could not have been moved by primates. They were made by the previous cycle of technology which man created.

Would you mind to elaborate on that a bit more please. I am sorry I am just not sure what you meant by that. Did the original tribe of Judah invent the technology that was used to build the pyramids?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Not quite.
Furthermore, your lack of response to my previous posting in your other thread is cowardly.

Originally posted by Dasher
The teaching of my Brother is Provision, not obtainment. Life is Understanding and Understanding Expressed, not belief. The triangle is a prime and when used as a prime of primes, it is the first rationalization of spirit within forms of dust (temples of pagans, etc.). This understanding was furthered through the law and the people of two triangles (Jews, Star of David). This understanding was furthered again through uncommon manifestation of the unseen in fullness of grace and the people of three triangles (the Trinity). However, it should be understood now, more than ever, that it is common for the resulting conduct of men to transmute and defer Life. Just as Adam fell/animal men fall (completely, but not finally), and the people of two triangles fell (completely, but not finally), the people of three triangles will fall (completely, but not finally). In second birth the Children of Life are set free, but the Children of Idols will fall finally.

While I appreciate the unction of your soul, your spirit does not express understanding as understanding is and your conduct has become that which is foretold in the scriptures (many coming forward to make claims which are only claims).

Teach me, or learn.

I can detail things out a little further (as I have mentioned these things multiple times in other threads), but it appears that you are not willing. I have only a little time to donate to the unwilling. You are certainly looking upon truths, but your expressions of them are malformed.

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