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posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:04 AM
looking for info/real pics of Succubi........ also any links to specifics of the nature of succubi,,,, aslo shades...... need to be able to tell which from which so i can preform the proper incantaions to rid my dwelling of their presence

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:11 AM
During my sleep i can find myself waking up with cuts and scratches on my arms. i can hear heavy breathing and i see a large shadow on my wall. This disturbs me... off course. I need help in finding the proper incantations to rid myself of these demonic beings.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:13 AM
IS she hawt? It could be worse, could be Incubus, and you might find anal tears to be the problem, as for actual photo of a Succubus, that might be against the user agreement with nekkidness.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:23 AM
Will no one help me? this is a serious threat and i may be endangered if i do not do anything about it. I ask that you would at least consider helping me. Thank you in advance.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:37 AM

In medieval European folklore, a female demon (or evil spirit) who visits men in their sleep to lie with them in ghostly sexual intercourse. The man who falls victim to a succubus will not awaken, although may experience it in a dream. The male counterpart is the incubus.

A lewd female demon or goblin which takes on the illusory appearance of a female human being and seeks sexual intercourse with men, usually while they are asleep.

The princess of all the succubi (plural) is Nahemah. Its male counterpart is called Incubus. A semi-human offspring is called Cambion.

Are they dangerous?
No, not really.
On rare occasions, swarms of these entities will attach themselves to one person, and will be able to physically affect them. As ever, this experience is generally harmless and pleasurable assuming the victim is healthy and suffers no strange repressions regarding sex. It can be rather exhausting to them, though. Under such circumstances, banishing and the use of appropriate prophylactic talismans is recommended should they subject wish to get rid of the beings.
Some mortal vampires and rather more vampiric magicians can project themselves into dreams in order to feed in a manner similar to that of succubi. It is also possible for corporeal vampires (of various sorts) and vampiric magicians to feed on sexual energy in just such a manner as the incorporeal succubi and incubi. Such magicians can also evoke, invoke, and summon succubi, among other entities, and can "create" one with a specific form to send to a chosen victim.
Incubi and succubi often form an entourage to more powerful entities, particularly those entities with vampiric and sexual associations.
These beings are attracted by the use of magick as well as by sexual desire and frustration. Once they decide they like someone, that person will generally receive multiple visitations over the course of his or her life. Some people regard the exchange of a little energy for the sexual pleasures offered by these beings to be well worth it, and will seek to encourage visitations by them.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:45 AM
To me it sounds like Succubus are the scapegoats of wet dreams

Circa 1230

Ey there Pope whots that wet spot on yer scivies?

Ah be damned, those cursed dreams were true, evil Succubus must've appeared in the night.

I couldn't really find any info on Shades, perhaps you injure yourself in your sleep, maybe your body isn't paralyzed while sawing logs. Or just maybe you're schizophrenic?

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 06:18 PM
I was just curious if it would be appropriate to call these creatures 'honey devils'.

I don�t think you have anything to worry about; maybe the scratches are just a family pet?

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:10 PM
If you relly want to know whether or not it is the demon you speak go check out a book called "the Goetia: thelesser key of soloman" or " the works of abramelin the mage"

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:22 PM

Ey there Pope whots that wet spot on yer scivies?

Ah be damned, those cursed dreams were true, evil Succubus must've appeared in the night.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
IS she hawt? It could be worse, could be Incubus, and you might find anal tears to be the problem, as for actual photo of a Succubus, that might be against the user agreement with nekkidness.

OMG Is that how I got these hemmeroids!!!

Figures I could get 'skrewed' in my sleep too.

[edit on 3-7-2004 by mtsquad]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Jaypeth
Will no one help me? this is a serious threat and i may be endangered if i do not do anything about it. I ask that you would at least consider helping me. Thank you in advance.

Seriously, try spanking your monkey BEFORE you go to sleep, that way you may keep it clean. Oh, and try trimming your nails too.

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