posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by qisoa
i think increased edginess gets boring. all of media is doing it now, and i'm sorry, but its plain to see where stuff is going. i can imagine a pop
star completely naked, i can imagine a crime scene on tv with a head smashed like a watermellon, etc, etc, etc.
its just lame. media is pouring their efforts and energy into edginess when they should be finding the newest, best talent and cultivating great
writers, musicians, etc.
back in the day, monarchs financed art. today corporations are the stewards of culture. they have a responsibility in my opinion to finance good art.
ANY SONG or ANY SHOW pushed hard enough will get ratings/downloads etc, with corporate backing. so the profit motive is out as an excuse to me.
if cbs picked up great indie writers and let them go wild on truly edgy plot lines and not just gore and violence and sex. if rca picked up truly
great muscicians and let them flourish with mass radio backing and advertisement, we'd all be better off.
and yea, ofcourse it desensatizes us. anyone who says it doesn't is kidding themselvs. anytime you view something you've never seen before the
reaction is going to be harsher then after you've seen it 50 times, 100 times, and so on.