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Should Network Usage be Logged?

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 03:03 PM
Hey there folks of ATS.

I approach you today to raise an issue which I feel is and will continue to be a growing social issue. I am looking to gather your opinions of the subject to help me decide on my own conclusion.

We're attempting not to be 'Specific' on one aspect of the topic, for example:

Logged when they choose to be?
Parents monitoring young children's usage?
Employees being monitored during paid working time?
Employees being monitored during lunch time?
ISPs logging all usage of customers?
A landlord logging their resident's usage on the line under the landlord's name?
Some random person hacking in to a school's network and logging all the pupil's net usage?

But try to be more 'Black and White' on the topic; taking all of the above and other related topics into consideration to form one opinion. 'Network usage should be logged' or 'Network usage should not be logged'.

I look forward to read what you guys have to say.


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:09 PM
This is a very complex topic to talk about.. There is no correct or incorrect answer, it's a matter of opinion... i think it should be logged only by people we trust and know e.e. not the government because they're too corrupt and untrustworthy. I do hope more comment on this, I'd find it very interesting to see other peoples views on the subject. Hope you get the answer you're looking for.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Thank you for your contribution, again yes it is a very controversial topic with many differing opinions but I am aiming to come to come some of black and white conclusion. YES it should be logged or NO it should not be logged.

I'm assuming in your case for the sole fact you would argue that network usage should be logged by organisations or people we trust then you are in fact 'for' recording network usage.

Kind regards,


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:41 PM
Yes. I am for this, but only if it's used by people you can trust, and people who would not abuse it. Hope someone else comes along to help out a bit more

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