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The Fractal Singularity : Awareness Awakening

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 12:00 PM
There have been many prophecies ,cryptical messages and speculations
as to the date of the 21st of December 2012. What does it really mean?
What is the significance and why is it so important to the ancients?

The Egyptians ,the Mayans and the Chinese all had similar calendars
in that they all had the end point at that specific date in 2012.

Three speculations are standing out as to what is most likely to happen in 2012.

Cataclysm of destruction is the most negatively oriented speculation.
Others believe that nothing will happen and this is a valid choice of belief.
Then there‘s the new age esoteric idea of spiritual awakening ,
in which a new golden era begins. It is often referred to as the Age of Aquarius.

This thread is focused on the third and most positive option.
A wave of energy comes from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
This is something that the ancients knew. They knew much about the stars.
Some attribute their knowledge of this to extra terrestrial presence.
Others lean towards the notion that the ancients had long observed the skies
through the night and they had a very clear view of the stars ,
as they didn’t have as much light pollution which can prohibit us today.

Mapping out cycles of similar events throughout the ages ,
the calendars provided better insights into the patterns of nature.


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 12:01 PM

In numerology ,this year’s sum is 5 ,which stands for completion.
It’s the final year of the Timewave Zero and the calendars it’s based upon.
Essentially this year is like the number 12 on a regular clock. It represents a full cycle.

Much speculation has gone into determining what happens on or after Dec. 21st 2012.
The Timewave actually just flat lines from that date and onward.

This is suggestive of several things. One possibility is that this is the point in which
we abandon linear time to move into something like a 3 dimensional time standard.
Another possibility is the invention of practical time travel or something similar.
It could also be an awakening of a new sense that we don’t quite know as of yet.


A fractal is something that repeats infinitely within itself. Timewave Zero is a fractal.
This suggests that when the wave ends ,it will stop repeating in cycles as it has been.


There are certain patterns that occur at the same points in time as the wave progresses.
On most waves these are called stillpoints. This is where the wave keeps its consistency.


The Singularity

When you imagine this wave ,it helps to imagine a wave that is about to hit a shore.


The wave moves in a golden spiral so that point A mixes with point B to create
point C so that the distance from A to B is in the same ratio as from B to C.


As we go further into the asymptote ,the tighter the wave gets until it evens out.
This is when it goes into infinity. That is the infinitely small point in the picture.

So what is the singularity? It is the point when the wave reaches infinity.


I leave an opening here so that others may expand upon this if they wish
and hopefully we can get some progressive discussions going.

edit on 14/11/2010 by Mystic Technician because: Edit to add images and addendum

edit on 14/11/2010 by Mystic Technician because: Edit to fix

edit on 14/11/2010 by Mystic Technician because: Edit to add Twz image

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Mystic Technician
The Egyptians ,the Mayans and the Chinese all had similar calendars
in that they all had the end point at that specific date in 2012.

I would like some proof regarding this.

Do you have any?

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by SkyBluePegasus

There have been multiple studies into how the geometry of the Great Pyramid in Giza
is actually their version of the calendar. It relates to the Mayan Calendar in that way also.

You can look into some of it here ;

Relation between Giza Pyramid Geometry and the Mayan Calendar

Here's the wikipedia article on I-Ching (The Chinese Calendar)


You can look into this and discover there's a strong relation between these calendars.

Its actually an end point ,but for some calendars its more like a 12 on a clock
so the calendar actually keeps going if that's the case.

Further reading
edit on 14/11/2010 by Mystic Technician because: Edit to add

edit on 14/11/2010 by Mystic Technician because: Edit to fix

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Mystic Technician

This thread is focused on the third and most positive option.
A wave of energy comes from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
This is something that the ancients knew. They knew much about the stars.
Some attribute their knowledge of this to extra terrestrial presence.
Others lean towards the notion that the ancients had long observed the skies
through the night and they had a very clear view of the stars ,
as they didn’t have as much light pollution which can prohibit us today.

Every time something like this is brought up I wonder where we got the idea that 'Cosmic Energy' can have such a purposefully directed and profound spcefic change on us. This 'Cosmic Energy' is not made up of anything that we are unaware of (being various types of radiation and physical forces), and by that same logic could stand to be reasoned that we have been exposed to myriad variations of it in both controlled and uncontrolled circumstances. Spontaneous evolution of either the physical body or of conciousness has never been proven as a result of any of these interactions before, so why is it kosher to assume that 'Cosmic Energy' must be able to enact this kind of change? From my perspective, what we have here when examining your third 'positive' option is just that, a fabricated eventuality that plays into our hopes and dreams for the future of a species. What topples this whole fanciful house of cards is that one's definition of positive evolution would certaintly contradict someone elses, and since there is no scientific definable source, we are left with conjectures as to the 'positive shift'. I have no issue with hoping for something better, but to adopt some theory of spontaneous evolution where there has never been any evidence to suggest such a thing is possible isn't very prudent.


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