posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 11:08 PM
This isnt a short story, but I will be posting one soon. But, this is a question....whered all of the writers go? It seems like for the past weks
there have been NO short stories, collaborative fiction threads opened up, and when they are, the a quickly bumped off of the recent posts section.
Just wondering, have the writers lost interest, or is everyone posting their writing on BTS?
***to those who participate in the "art for Dummies" section...several of the entries (with your usernames) will hopefully be pulished in a zine
entitled Zombies and Kittnes, and if I can swing them, I might even be able to put in a tiny tidbit telling they came from ATS. If you dont want any
of your submissions used (its a free zine, published and copywrighted) just tell me.
[edit on 6-29-04 by Scat]