posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by gaurdian2012
I know what you mean but that girl is literally
selling truth sandwiches to people. That is, part truth wrapped in lies. In my opinion her
misinformation can be used by people as disinformation and it makes it harder to talk to people in real life about these subjects as they may refer to
our opinions based on one of her videos they seen. Labeling all us as nut jobs too by talking about chem trails etc and the Bilderberg group.
There is no way she is a contactee, all she is doing is making money out of people who are gullible. I think that is terrible, people are broke enough
as it is.
reply to post by davespanners
I asked the MOD why it was removed, still awaiting a reply. It could be that it is unconfirmed, then again, so is most of the things on ATS.
edit on 13/11/2010 by the_denv because: (no reason given)