reply to post by sodakota
I would say ,its more in the lines of act like/convince us they are confused and cant communicate .
that's the first thing u learn in politics/military , don't be a huckleberry.
If you really really think the USA, did not get informed, on what was going to happen, or at least that there was, a possibility that something like
what happened on 9/11,could happen ,from tons and tons of intell from all sorts of countries,babbling to the usa about all sorts of ideas on all kinds
of plots from all kinds of organizations.
This happens every single day in the USA.They had a good idea what was or could happen they just chose to not act on the info, they got.
If they wanted to shoot those plane down ,they would have been obliterated, out of the sky, if they really wanted them to be on that day .Dont be
fooled into believing anything else about what USA military as a whole can and cant do,
It dosnt matter where the threat comes from as far as the skies go ,inside the USA or outside the USA ,absolutely dose not matter its so well
protected,its just stoopid really such over kill.
But its from within at ground level , where all countries are weak ,and when you are a free country like the USA ,well u can only imagine ,what walks
of life come to this country ,for that so very much despised ,hated,piece of that good old american pie,that all seem to want
Our gov and military is not hatted and liked, at the same time for no reason at all.
But lets not sugar coat anything here, lets be real as it gets which is what this site should be like,
I beg to find any enemy, of any kind, that could enter USA air space and not get shot down, if we wanted to shoot it down , Can you?
The only thing that keeps anything from getting shot down over USA air space would be ,1(it would start a unwanted war ..2 they had permission.
Thats it anything else and bye bye target.
again i must say and quote , read this quote its from some one who was part of the PTB "In military and politics, nothing happens by accident. If it
happens you can bet it was allowed or planned that way. " FDR
That quote also applise to and not just limited to the USA,UK,china,russia,iran,iraq,israel,yada yada yada
We are ...all in the same row boat...
edit on 14-11-2010 by lycopersicum because: (no reason given)
edit on 14-11-2010 by
lycopersicum because: spelling and end reply
edit on 14-11-2010 by lycopersicum because: added word shoot forgot to add it