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Bernanke's worst nightmare: Ron Paul

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by rectangle
...that it was a good thing they could not control Fed policy. They would use it create a boom in months before an election to help re-elect themselves, and damn the consequences of inflation after the election cycle. The goal of the Fed being to create sustained economic growth, with as low unemployment as possible, as little inflation as possible. Then the Congressman would go down to the floor of the Congress and give a speech about the evil of the existence of the Fed.

...Some of the South American political leaders were in awe of the US Federal Reserve system. Their countries did not have a real national bank system like the Fed, and they admitted their country would not create one that was independent of the politicians, which would render it useless. A description of the government policy in one South American country went like this. When their representatives met they would decide how big the budget was to be, then spend all the rest of the time arguing about how it would be split up amongst the groups vying to get the money. Then they simply printed off the money. Just printing the money and spending it created, as they knew it would, huge amounts of inflation, that was very hurtful of the poor.

...The problem also being that nothing solid backed the countries national currency. Their own national currency was always free floating....The nations currency was like Monopoly money, the result of these South American countries not having anything like our Federal Reserve.

Ron Paul may expose some very crooked dealings in the Fed, but he will not kill the Fed.

No offense, but I sure hope the majority of Americans aren't this ignorant.

You suggest that politicians should not control the Fed, because politicians might create booms, and busts? You do realize that's what the Fed does? Who controls the Fed? Who SHOULD control the Fed?

Of course, that's assuming we keep the Fed. Most people who understand these issues know that the Fed is NOT good. Keeping it simple, Fed Bad. Central banking, BAD. Central banking is communist. Central banking CAUSED the current worldwide economic collapse, that will likely lead to a hot war, which isn't surprising, since it has already happened before. It's what they do!

Keeping it even simpler, Central Banking KILLS PEOPLE. Really, it has, is does, and will continue to. It's THAT serious.

I wonder who else imagines that the Fed is somehow a "good" thing? They're supposed to control inflation, keep employment high, keep a stable currency, etc. Why would the international banksters behind the Fed even want to do that? To the extent that they have, wouldn't it be for their own reasons?

What do you imagine "backs" the Federal Reserve Notes in your pocket? Gold perhaps? No. NOTHING backs them, just like in South American nations. It IS "monopoly money", and the only reason is works is because we mutually consent to use it, and accept it, and because America holds guns to the heads of the other nations of the world. It is printed out of thin air, has no intrinsic value, and is completely UNNECESSARY for a free nation. Of course, it's very important as a step in the direction of the NWO.

It may seem like it has worked rather well, but it has only worked at a monstrous price. It's called "dollar hegemony", and this is why Americans can largely delude themselves about so much. When this ends (not if, when), America is going to have an even ruder awakening than Britain, when it came time for Sterling to no longer rule the world. Thankfully, for them, the Pound was given a few decades to dissolve. Sure, it still left Britain a second world nation, but few noticed, since it took a while. Even in the 1960's, few realize that not many British even had refrigerators yet! They were the USA of the future.

Americans are going to notice! When the Almighty Dollar rules no more, we will feel it, in every imaginable way. We will feel it far more than the world that was wrecked for decades, as Amerika went on the rampage, bringing war to any who were in the way of the globalist agenda,

Ron Paul is right, the Fed needs to be abolished, but unfortunately, the sheeple are already headed in the direction the shepherd is indicating. We will all run to GOLD, as our masters laugh. And why not? They own all the gold!


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

I think I said, it was what someone, who had been in Eco Grad school said what he thought, an expert. I am not offended because you dis'ed him. Anyone got any good caveats about how dumb experts are?

While it is obvious you to, please state the order of events of how the Fed kills people.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by rectangle

While it is obvious you to, please state the order of events of how the Fed kills people.

Apologies for my misunderstanding. So, you agree the Fed is bad then? That's GOOD! But you're not aware of the toll central banking has on human life? In other words, you didn't know they were "that" bad?

It's a huge question of course, deserving of it's own thread, so perhaps I should not go too far afield, considering this thread is about Ron Paul and the Fed. Answering in a thorough manner would also require much history, going back centuries.

BUT, since lots of people have no idea of how economics relates to human lives, you have no doubt made others curious.

Let me ask this, if a person does not have enough to eat, or if they don't have shelter, etc., could they be more "at risk" to literally die? Of course, and yet, is this not precisely what we see? A whole world of apparent SCARCITY, where many do not have the "basics".

Why do you suppose this is? In fact, the world provides incredible ABUNDANCE. You may have heard that at one time, the US alone could have fed the whole world! BUT, millions starve to death each year instead.

Hmmm. What, or WHOM could have something to do with this dire situation?

ANSWER: "Economics", but we would do better to explore who it is that CONTROLS the economies of the world. Who controls the world economy?

Ah yes, CENTRAL BANKS. Through their god-like powers of creating credit, or restricting it, at will, they can cause booms, and busts. In their wake, incredible human misery!

This isn't just about people starving of course, you would have missed the point if my example was interpreted too literally. WARS, even world wars, have been caused by the banksters, for their interests, at the cost of MILLIONS of human lives.

Of course, to the person unfamiliar with all this, it might sound strange. Again, there's volumes of history behind this concept that the Money Masters have the power over life and death. I would encourage anyone to LEARN about it.

It is the BANKSTERS that are the problem, and their horribly immoral debt-based world economy, driven by their vile fractional reserve fraud. If people wish to speak of "fair", that's fine. The issue is really JUSTICE, or the lack thereof. No, there isn't really anything close to fair in the real world, but when people you know are dying, thanks to a completely unnecessary banking system that has the world by the throat, then we need to wake up.

Get educated. Stop vilifying the wrong people. If we want to fight the "good fight", then let's expose the scum banksters for what they are. Perhaps we will never find out who the elite are behind the curtain, but we can identify their main enslaving weapon against humanity, that is their banks. The world groans under their oppressive weight.


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:12 PM
Taking Ron Paul at face value, it's a step in the right direction.

People in the White House that care about us and the Constitution. What a great concept.


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
I completely agree.. Oversight, then get rid of the Fed and replace it with something that represents the people, and not banking interests.

There is also a call on the World Stage to go back to the system of the Gold standard, backing currency with precious metals for value again.

Audit the Fed, audit Fort Knox, and move from there.

With the conspiracy theories in ply about the JFK assassination (he supposedly signed an EO ending the Fed, which Johnson supposedly rescinded when he was sworn in) I am curious if there is not a car accident or freak plane crash in his future.

I would NOT Be Surprised at all... Just as Scientist that what were so close to find a Cure or Discovery or Blow the Whistle & Spill the Beans the There Suddenly Killed by Freak Accident a Murder or it was made to look like that!

Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales

I have Seen a Clipping that is Something close to the Same Thing
With Believe or not Ronald Regan back in 1964 at a Address for Goldwater Presidential Campaign more less said if he was elected he was going to Bust Open Some things! wide Open

Televised Campaign Address for Goldwater Presidential Campaign - 10/27/64.

"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan ( Long Version)
at the Mark Points ATS Need to Look at.. as there is many ..
Abide our Freedom for Security From Threat of the Bomb
3.58 There is No Left or Right! ( Democrat or Republican ) Only Up or Down !
4:20 Trade our Freedom for Security
11:55 Drop out Juvenile CCC Camps (Fema Camps)Labor Camps Harvard
17:55 Insane Government Spending
18:20 Federal Agents Patriot Act /Mcarrin Act

Where do we stand NoW! for Security VS Freedom ! of Movement? & Privacy Patriot Act 1& 2
let alone in the Height of the Red Scare! and Down with Communism in the 50s & 60s 70s
but it All Changed in the 80s did it Not!!

And Now today America is is the Opposite of McCarthyism Dont Belive me ? Who Made the Majority of your Belongings in America RED Commie CHINA thats Who...

and when Regan eventually became president what the Hell Happened !to him from the span of 1964 1980 15 years ...

Basically what he is saying in 1964 that HE is AGAINST Security for the Loss of Freedom and Against Some Government Policy's !! The Same thing that a Some parts of Reagan's Speech in this Video Above of what has Got Kennedy Killed..

Just the Opposite of everything he said in this Video Time for Choosing ! (Change) But.. when he did became President and the Party he Followed as i see it did a 180 a Party(R) that was so into McCarthyism & let American Cooperations Build Factories in RED China for the Cheap labor and then send it back to the U.S. For more Profit..

Who were the Ones that Helped These Cooperations !!!!!!! Bankers ,The Federal Reserve and the Branches (Middlemen) in Between to make this all Happen !

Wasn't Gold at its Highest Peak during the Regan Era ? what was More Retail or Industrial Growth
IN AMERICA in the 80s ?

Remember Kennedy made the Attempt of Bringing Down the FEDERAL RESERVE!!! Gov Own Issued Money ! June 4th 1963 Executive Order 11110 and Bringing Down the Fund Raisers Money Makers of The Powers That BE The CIA !

Hopefully Ron Paul will Not be Next in the Line of Site of Assassin, But it Cant be !
There's Got to be a parallel Like Lincoln & Kennedy! For it to work ... Right?

You Tell Me after listening this This Speech and if your Old enough to remember the 1980s Regan era
at the Heat of the Cold War and Remember the Bush Royals! and what Obama said about Change ! and He did not Fulfill his Promise as of yet ! Obama Has Been Chained Gagged and Stringed I noticed the Spirit In Obama and a Little After he became President it was Gone as i seen it in Reagan!
Just what Happen to Reagan as it Shows in this 1964 Speech ...

WHO is In Control
Reagan was a Awesome talking Parrot as Parrots only Say what they are told! (TPTB)

Ron Paul will Look Convincing Until TPTB puts on the GAG & Strings on him if he ever Does Win a Election..

as Ill say it again Go Ask Jesse Ventura when he was elected Gov.. of what Happen to him..,

CIA confirms Ventura meeting occurred

CIA Embedded in Many State Government - Former Governor Jesse Ventura exposes he was interrogated by more than 20 CIA agents

JFK , Lincoln and Federal Reserve!

Totalitarianism - Executive order 11110 signed by President Kennedy executed by Barack Obama???

Kennedy was shot for tellin the truth

edit on 13-11-2010 by Wolfenz because: Spelling missing words

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by antonia
The system is busted, play in as much as you want, you will fix nothing.

The motto of the conspiracy-theorist sounds less like a war cry and more like the conclusion of the clinically depressed.

I'll try to translate:

you can fix 'the system' all you want, it's still the wrong system.


you can't polish a turd.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
If only he had the power to do anything about it... But I don't think he will. No single person has any power in Washington today. Least of all Ron Paul. It's nice to think about but I'm cynical about anything actually getting changed.

Spot on. If anybody thinks this will change anything then I would ask them how their sleep was and would
you like some coffee.

Cynicism and vitamin D, get the dosage right and stay healthy.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by babybunnies

Exciting and frightening.
It took decades for the Kennedy story to begin unravelling in public domain.
It will take micro-seconds if they try anything like that again.
PLEASE DON"T GET ME WRONG. I'm not predicting.
But like Jese Ventura says if a real independent ever did get a chance at power....wel!
One angel penetrating Hell isn't going to change the paradigm.
All hope and wishes go his way but this possibilty frightens me more than it encourges me.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:46 PM
The common denominator between Ron Paul and former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan.

From Wiki, "Paul was honorary chair of, and is a current member of, the Republican Liberty Caucus, ..." "He has gained prominence for his libertarian positions . . ."

Greenspan describes himself as a "lifelong libertarian Republican"

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