posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:35 AM
Dear Readers & Posters
Last night I was invited for dinner party at some friends house in Kaiserslautern about 45 minutes from my house in France. since this was an English
speaking party there was quite a few off duty service personal from Ramstein air force base in attendance.
I got to speaking to this officer there who will remain nameless and was asking him if he knew the reason for the low flying air force jets that have
been tearing once a day over my village the last 4 afternoons.
He replied that strange things are occurring all over European airspace lately and the base was on high alert.
I tried to prod him further but all I got was that Russia could be testing some new planes.
I knew this answer was Crap as I live in north- Eastern France and no Russian plane fly that much within the EU borders.
Maybe others posters can come up with a better answer and why this base is on high alert.
Peace & hope
edit on 12-11-2010 by smokingman2006 because: (no reason given)