posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:04 AM
I was just discussing an issue in another thread and it got me thinking. I have completely lost
all faith in humanity. Well ok, maybe not humanity because I know there are "good" individuals out there, but it seems that the ones in power are
the ones that ruin it for all of us. I predict that if we ever make ET contact we will undoubtedly screw it up. We will piss them off and probably
be obliterated. It is just like I said in the previously mentioned thread, "Most likely we will make contact with a peaceful ET, however, knowing
human nature, we will mess it up somehow. Most likely the US will make some mistake that pisses of the ETs just like the US tends to piss off the rest
of the world on a regular basis. I wouldn't be surprised in the least lol. I would hope this could be avoided, but well, I would have hoped all the
needless wars my country has been in could have been avoided as well. If it isn't us, someone will probably screw it up for the rest of us lol. "