reply to post by Chadwickus
Its not really a new breed, I use the phrase myself all the time and yes it is a way of taking the sharp edges off a negative view of a posters vid or
idea or at least I do it for that reason. Its more a matter of decorum, there's no need to spit rage and bile in their face, since some people
genuinely are new to it all and havent got the critical eye yet to filter the rubbish from the gold.
Im a believe and have been all my life for the 3 plus decades ive been alive, ever since I was a kid and first picked up my mums Adamski books and
oggled the pics of saucers and glowing mother ships (yes Adamski is 99% a fraud but it was a foot in the door
and as a kid I didnt know any
better... although mum still puts alot of stock in him, but the last time she really read anything about the UFO field was back in the 60's when it
was all space brothers and etc, heck it wasnt until 10 years ago she even acknowledged the possibilities of Greys and even now still thinks they might
be something else).
But im also one of those believers that never takes anything on face value since as a field of interest its impossible to prove a bar of it outside of
a landing filmed on live TV (and even that will have people screaming fake). Everything, even the greatest pieces of proof in the UFO field that could
point to 'Yes UFO's are real' is still no where near the level of proof required to call them fact... its because of this that while Im a believer I
keep my opinions at arms length and throw as critical an eye over the evidence as I can, and never claim something is 100% undeniable evidence...
especially now days given the torrent of vids and fakes and extremely wild claims brought up by people who are either deliberately trolling or playing
suckers for all they are worth.
To me the problem with a large part of the current crop of UFO believers is that they seem to believe to much, even when one event or theory
contradicts another, you cant say 'Hmm you have a great point alien channeler number 4' then go 'Hey i like what you say alien contactie who has
secret undeniable truth that they cant show just yet' the next, since so often what one claims as truth crashs head long into what the other one
claims is the real truth creating a real mess... you cant have your cake and eat it too, although in this day and age people sure as hell try. You
cant say every ones right since thats impossible, someone has to be wrong, even among the so called rights... but alot of hardcore over-believers do
believe everything, and they seem unable to logically notice what that does to their own credibility, and get extremely hostile if this is brought
I usually wouldnt require having to drop a disclaimer like 'Im a believer also, but...' if we didnt have some people throwing the dis-info label
around at any one that disagrees with them even in the slightest. Not that being called that worries me in the slightest i couldnt give a fig, but its
being used now days as an opinion killer all the time, and its constant use makes me wonder just how paranoid so many of us here on these boards are,
its a conspiracy site sure but their has to be a sane limit.
So for me its not really a trend, but a reaction to the real emerging trend, which appears to be a rapid influx of questionable videos and plain as
day goofball 'theories' (Come on admit it some of the recent stuff makes some of even the wildest from a few years back seem almost believable)... ive
only been here on ATS roughly 2 years (although I was a lurker for a good 6 months prior to that) but the level of discussion and what was posted is
day and night in quality compared to what it was a year back... not for the better unfortunately.
Before there where debates and discussion and no one cried 'This is it, the final Proof!', now all we seem to have is arguments and threads turning
into a 2 camp war within a page. The quality and shear quantity of supposed evidence hardly helps this either, there's almost a new piece of proof
posted every day.
This might go down badly, but might I say alot of it could be an American thing?... its something ive sort of noticed with your political climate
also, the divisions between left and right have widened by miles recently, its as if you have to be on one side or another and you can never give the
other any respect or leeway since that somehow belittles your own stance and the stance of those on your side, there's no middle ground anymore and
its taken on the air of a war of words where the only result anyone will be happy with is the complete destruction of the other.
I dont think i really said what i wanted to. Im a middle grounder I believe what i believe but I dont believe it fully, and will change it if shown
things to make me change my belief. I do have a low tolerance for 'crayzie' though but I do my best not to blast people, or simply ignore what id call
the 'Loopies'... at the most ill leave an opinion and leave it at that unless addressed directly.
I just wish we got back to civil discussions, not one sided circle jerks where any opposing point of view is slammed as a covert attempt to suppress
the truth, since that never gets to the bottom of the truth ever... the problem is, is the believers or those who act extremely strongly about UFO's
are the ones who for the most part who are doing this 'If your not with us your against us' mentality... which makes everyone middle or skeptic the
Its all rather sad really...
But hey at least we all have this recent NASA announcement comming to tide us over, hopefully that brings us together in our collective over optimism
regardless of how or what we think it'll be... although it'll be a real poop storm afterward unfortunately
I often feel when reading the A&U
forum like im a kid in the middle of their two parents having a marital splitting argument, you cant get involved without getting in the line of
fire... and when you do, "Im a Believer, but..."
Originally posted by InfaRedMan
The trend I see, not just on these forums but also in society at large is people reserving the right to feel offended, insulted, victimised or
infuriated. It's almost a default response to any situation where the individual cannot offer a valid argument or solution of their own. Just get
angry!.. disapprove!... that way people may not recognise that you have nothing worthwhile to contribute yourself.
This is a great observation and one I also share, although I must admit I have done that myself, unknowingly before (Not on ATS). Sometimes no matter
how much you might feel that your right.... your still in reality, wrong... no need to feel ashamed every ones experienced it, or will. Every ones
gotta own up to it as my brother puts it...
"They take offense at everything, but responsibility for nothing."
The pox of the current world.
edit on 11-11-2010 by BigfootNZ because: Meep