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MSNBC Host; Time for an American Revolution? Yes

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Dylan Ratigan was on MSNBC yesterday stating ""Are things in our country so bad that it might actually be time for a revolution? The answer obviously is yes. The only question is how to do it?"

He gives a guy named Ted Rall who is a political cartoonist an interview, who is the author of The Anti-American Manifesto, which calls for a revolution.

"We are here because the US is going to end soon," Rall wrote in his book. "There's going to be an intense, violent, probably haphazard struggle for control. It's going to come down to us versus them. The question is: What are you going to do about it?"

"A war is coming. At stake: our lives, the planet, freedom, living. The government, the corporations, and the extreme right are prepared to coalesce into an Axis of Evil. Are you going to fight back? Will you do whatever it takes, including taking up arms?" "I argue that violence is the last case scenario," Rall told Ratigan. "Nobody wants it. It's easier to go other routes. Going through the political system is best."

What do you guys think about an armed revolution?

"Nothing will radicalize an American citizen more than getting thrown of their home by a bank that just paid a CEO a bigger raise this year than the year before, not being able to feed your kids and knowing that one percent of the country has all the money tied up in it."
...he says. When that scenario becomes widespread does the cause become justified?
edit on 11-11-2010 by FermiFlux because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:30 PM
My country wages war, live on my T.V.
Helplessly I watch, people dying without need.
They try to sell us war as the solution.
How many more must die, to satisfy their greed?
Silently I hope for revolution.

My country passes laws no one’s even read.
Each one a new pronouncement, liberty is dead,
crushed beneath the weight of institution.
How can I believe a single word they’ve said?
Tirelessly I wait for revolution.

My country collects tax, with total disregard.
Carelessly it’s wasted on bureaucratic lard
and corporate bailout distribution.
Our children's future irrevocably scarred.
Hopelessly I pray for revolution.

My country watches its people lose their homes
while it provides the banks with trillion dollar loans.
Citizens bereft of restitution.
What’s a man to do, when they’ve taken all he owns?
Violently I call for revolution.

My country lost its way, its’ leaders are corrupt,
leaving their people oppressed, homeless and bankrupt.
No hope of a peaceful resolution.
Even if it means my life I must offer up.
With my words I start the revolution.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Most likely people in the US are too confused, and beat down, to have any revolution.

Any revolution would have to revolve around issues that have to do with the left right paradigm, and in the US the Left politicians are surreptitiously owned by the corporations and the right politicians are openly controlled by the corporations.

This had lead to the marginalization of left issues such as unionism, health care and peace issues associated with phony politicians like Obama and Bill Clinton.

Also that means that there is not legitimate leadership to have any revolution in America.

Who would lead the revolution?
Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Barrack Obama, Bill or Hillary Clinton?

Of course not these are establishment people bought and owned by the corporate state.

Then if not them or anyone in the mainstream then who would have the capacity or opportunity in this country to lead a revolution?

Any time a leader is independent and begins to have power or threatens to garnish power they are assassinated, such as JFK, MLK and Malcolm X.

edit on 11-11-2010 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-11-2010 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:37 PM
Considering that everything around you is a Revolution (in every sense of the word), a Revolution is just following a pattern found everywhere in nature.

So yes. There has to be a Revolution because it is natural.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by wisintel
My country wages war, live on my T.V.
Helplessly I watch, people dying without need.
They try to sell us war as the solution.
How many more must die, to satisfy their greed?
Silently I hope for revolution.

My country passes laws no one’s even read.
Each one a new pronouncement, liberty is dead,
crushed beneath the weight of institution.
How can I believe a single word they’ve said?
Tirelessly I wait for revolution.

My country collects tax, with total disregard.
Carelessly it’s wasted on bureaucratic lard
and corporate bailout distribution.
Our children's future irrevocably scarred.
Hopelessly I pray for revolution.

My country watches its people lose their homes
while it provides the banks with trillion dollar loans.
Citizens bereft of restitution.
What’s a man to do, when they’ve taken all he owns?
Violently I call for revolution.

My country lost its way, its’ leaders are corrupt,
leaving their people oppressed, homeless and bankrupt.
No hope of a peaceful resolution.
Even if it means my life I must offer up.
With my words I start the revolution.

Here's what I wrote today... I'm ready, let's go. Hear the words not the terrible singing.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:38 PM
What is the biggest fear of TPTB? They fear lone wolf activists who decide enough is enough.

Goldman Sachs runs this country and is who the revolution would be against. There would be no revolution against the government since it is nothing more than a bankrupt corporation that is used for channeling a fiat currency printed by the Fed to Goldman Sachs.

The people are slowly waking up to the BS and are getting angry.

The time for an American revolution has long since passed. We've been under control for close to 100 years and it is high time we take back control of our nation. The ballot box has proven to be completely ineffective for restoration of the republic. There are too many people who have become dependent upon the very thing that enslaves them.

Nobody in their right mind would say they want to see an armed uprising of the people but a study of history would indicate it is inevitable that it will happen.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by bozzchem

Who will organize this rebellion?

How will it get started and how would it avoid the present police state in America?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Some would read the title of this essay with the preconceived notion that the revolution hasn’t yet begun. I up until very recently, was of the opinion that the real revolution hadn’t started yet and would think at length about how the battle would go once it did begin. The purpose of this article is to show that the revolution has begun. It is a different revolution than any that has been seen since the dawn of civilization. If we are to win this battle, retain our liberty and return our nation to the path of prosperity we need to know the kind of battle we are fighting. We need a battle plan.

When did the first American Revolution begin? Do the battles of Concord and Lexington mark the start of the war? Would you say it started with the, “shot heard round the world” or the Boston tea party? I would argue that it started well before any open acts of revolt. The revolution started in the hearts and minds of patriots who could no longer stomach the acts and edicts of those in power. I would argue that our revolution started with the Ron Paul campaign. It was the first time I can recall hearing what resonated as the “truth” in a public forum. It was the first time that there was an organized challenge to the establishment. A group of people stood up, looked past the confusing rhetoric spewed by the main stream media and formed their own opinions on what was best for our country. From that campaign forward the revolution has continued to grow.

In all sectors, demographics and affiliations people have come forward to challenge the establishment. Large numbers of scientists have come forward questioning the governments’ official story on the 9/11 “terrorist” attacks. Leading economists have come forward questioning our nations fiscal policy and the events that led us to our current economic situation. Huge numbers of everyday Americans from every walk of life have come forward and questioned the status quo. We continue to come forward and we continue to question. The Revolution has begun.

Simply knowing that a revolution is taking place is an amazingly empowering revelation. Knowing that there is an ongoing revolution and that a war has begun requires one to plan a course of action. This revolution is not a battle of muskets and infantryman, by the grace of God I hope it never comes to that. This revolution is a battle of ideas, truth, and economics. You may think economics makes a strange bedfellow for ideas and truth. But it is by lying to us, suppressing new ideas and economics that today’s tyrants suppress liberty. With that in mind I would like to present my ideas for a course of action.

The first thing I think we need to do as a movement is recognize the enemy. The enemy is not corrupt senators and representatives. The enemy is not the President. While they are complacent and should not be allowed to keep their jobs they are not our main enemy. If we focus all our energy on removing a puppet senator or a puppet president, the establishment simply replaces him or her with another puppet that promises all the things we demand but delivers none of them. The enemy is the corporations and wealthy individuals who have perverted our government and every facet of our society. We always wag our fingers at our politicians for accepting corporate campaign donations and being in bed with lobbyist. But no one ever says anything to the corporations for perverting our elections and greedily subverting our legislature and judicial system.

Knowing the enemy we need to start directing our efforts on shutting them down and taking away their power.
• We need a list of the people behind the curtain pulling the strings.
• We need as a group to boycott any and all corporations that lobby the government.
• We need a list of Patriot approved vendors and as a movement start channeling our purchasing power towards those businesses that don’t try to subvert the constitution.
• In markets where we cannot find a vendor who is not corrupt we as a community need to create the company.
• We need to start a patriot credit union and start moving our money out of corporate banks.
• We need a website whose sole purpose is determining the credibility of the news that comes out each day and the talking heads that disseminate it.
• We need to boycott news channels and shows that prove not credible.

My final recommendation is too important for a quick bullet point. We need to create our own energy independence. If you do the research, the number of affordable alternative energy sources is vast and the number of patents for energy efficient cars and generators that have been suppressed or classified is staggering. We need start working toward converting our country over to alternative energy. We need to create within our community our own automobile company. By suppressing innovation Ford, GM, and Chrysler have failed in a free market system. However, due to the corrupt machinations of the government bailouts they were saved from their failure. We need to demand access to the classified energy and automotive patents. We need to make the alternative battery and engine patents held by oil companies, public domain. Only by freeing ourselves from the established system of economics, failed financial institutions, and corrupt failed companies will we be able to move forward as a nation.

I would like to close with a quote from Patrick Henry.

“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by FermiFlux

That's pretty cool, I'm about half way through reading that book.

Its interesting to hear from a bearded leftist's viewpoint why this country should be overthrown by the people and started over again from scratch. Turns out he has a lot of the same gripes many of us on the right have.

He spends a lot of time talking about how we have been conditioned into apathy and are being systematically mistreated to see how much we are willing to take before we snap. Unfortunately, it seems the American people have sat through provocation after provocation with hardly a shrug. It makes one wonder what will be the final straw that makes us finally rise up against TPTB.

If a leftist can see that this country is on a crash course with failure, even with the leftist hero Obama at the helm, this country is in serious trouble.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:22 PM
funny how when the Dems held total control MSNBC was calling Tea Bag Movement radicals but NOW they are calling for a revolution?


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:36 PM
I believe he is wrong in at least one respect. The extreme right are the ones that WANT the revolution and I am confident in saying that they would not be siding with any corporate entities or power figures. True conservatism is Constitutionalism and I don't think we have to worry about them siding with the government and their policies any time soon.

Other than that, I'd have to agree with most of the points as I have been saying the same thing for the past 2 years.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by FermiFlux

What Rall is advocating is not at all in the interests of the American people.

I've read what this man has to say. Him and Tim Wise, who believe that killing conservatives, businessmen, and anyone they deem "rich", rioting in the streets, and demanding more of a broke government and tapped out tax payer is good for America-That this is the way to get people to agree with you...intimidation.

They wait with bated breath for the destruction of America as a Constitutional Republic. The want their USSA, and if they have to riot and burn neighborhoods they will. And my guess is, that's probably what they're going to start doing soon. My neighborhood is not a good place to show up with that mess.

Tim Wise

You, who could not survive the thought of minimal health care reform, or financial regulation, or a marginal tax rate equal to that which you paid just 10 years earlier, perhaps are under the illusion that everyone is as weak as you, as soft as you, as akin to petulant children as you are, as unable to cope with the smallest setback, the slightest challenge to the way you think your country should look and feel, and operate.
But they are not.
And they know how to regroup, and plot, and plan, and they are planning even now — we are — your destruction.
And I do not mean by that your physical destruction. We don’t play those games. We’re not into the whole “Second Amendment remedies, militia, armed resistance” bull# that your side fetishizes, cuz, see, we don’t have to be. We don’t need guns.
We just have to be patient.
And wait for you to pass into that good night, first politically, and then, well…
Do you hear it?
The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?
Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.
So know this.
If you thought this election was payback for 2008, remember…
Payback, thy name is…

Screw that. I don't want people who think of their fellow Americans in this way. I don't want anyone with this kind of ideology at the helm of state. This is the kind of paranoid and aggressive ideology that is so often found to be the cause of ugly atrocities by big government for as far as history can tell us.

I think it's time to go the other way. I can't convince you of that if my rifle is in your face. Violence is no way to conduct a discussion, a Great Competition of Ideas, the greatest ideological conversation of our time. Why waste such an opportunity to put all of these ideas to the scrutiny of the human mind in favor of bloodshed and destruction?

No thanks. I have better things to do.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:45 PM
He's, uh, more than welcome to try.

The bottom line is that people nee food, water, shelter, and companionship. They will do what is necessary to procure these necessities regardless of what laws are in effect and who attempts to enforce them. The government can spend itself into oblivion and the people will simply do what works to survive. The government can enact whatever taxes and regulations - the people will ignore them.

It's kind of hard to close down Farmer Bob, who isn't paying taxes (because no one can afford them), when everyone in the region depends upon him for their food. The local law enforcement will feign incompetence or flat-out ignore enforcement of cease and desist orders against Farmer Bob - and federal agents sent to enforce such policies would simply disappear or end up on national TV being paraded around on a skewer.

When the people consider a government invalid, it's lost its power. The government this clown seems to want to create will implode overnight, and the government as-is is well on its way to imploding.

The "revolution" will be people doing what is necessary, be it with the blessing of the government or not. The only potential for "war" exists when there are those who fail to realize the government as it stands when this starts to happen is dead/dying. Attempts to enforce the dying will of a government always get met with violence.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:48 PM
American Revolution...

It's child's play compared to the revolution needed at this point in the planet's history.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:55 PM
My opinion on how a revolution will start? If the collapse of the financial
systems don't do it, some type of large natural disaster will. When the systems
start collapsing and people are left hi and dry the American government
will come crashing down. That is when all hell is going to break loose. look
at what happened during Katrina, the government didn't have enough resources
then to help the victims but they did have enough police and quasi military units
running around and the first thing they did is disarm the people, then kicked
them out and sent them somewhere else. Let something big happen and
watch how everything comes crashing down like a deck a cards. That
time is not far off considering the current state of the country.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Mr. D because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Now why would MSNBC or the likes want to stir the pot ? Oh I know....maybe so they can isolate and demonize a group called the right wing, rally their own Dear Leader, and implement Martial Law to cancel elections.

It is time to spread sunlight and allow it to disinfect. While holding the responsible bastards accountable sooner than later.

edit on 11-11-2010 by nocents because: to add 'own'

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by wisintel

I loved your poem, and you're right it is time for a Revolution, it has been time for a long time... And It is time that we bring the revolution...But we are being watched by NSA/CSS so our only solution to fix the problem will be by US mail...WE ALL must join together, and take back our lives and our freedom... You can email me at [email protected] with your address... I have a solution, for the action...

edit on 11-11-2010 by martyrforGod because: i thought I made a mis type

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 12:48 PM
Revolutions and civil wars are the mark of a people who are dissatisfied and distrustful of a government that has long abused them. Many people who advocate such, often do such in the mistaken notion that it is either needed or that the system fails. To further complicate matters, and please forgive me for this one: It will bring down the mark of Cain on us all for doing such an act.
No one really sees the true cost of what is suggested, that it would pit brother against brother, tear apart families and ultimately the cycle of violence would be so great that the people who would pay the price are those that both sides they are trying to help. The mass panic and chaos would be the greatest danger. And for those who actually advocate such, the question is are you prepared to see the death of your own family members, or subject them to your own all cause you have a few grievances? The system that we live under is not perfect in any shape or means, or for that matter no country has a perfect system. All of the other countries around the world have serious issues internally, the real difference is that only when it starts to get violent or blow up, does it hit the news. Name any country and you will find that they too have the problems and issues that face that nation, from violations of human rights, to a lack of freedom, to economic woes, to discrimination and even now there are countries facing social problems where one group is forcing acceptance on the other, and in some countries, just violating a social rule is enough to get you imprisoned or even killed.
The public will not stand for a revolution, not without just cause, and if it is not the majority, where a good 70% or more is ready, it will fail even before it gets started. Wars and violence are the last acts of the ignorant and those who fail to realize, that as much as they hate the current system that they live under, the best way to change it, is to work within the system, anything else is just down right wrong.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 12:50 PM
About 40-50 years too late.

Americans will not do anything about the technocracy they live in.

How many in usa still think gw bush was a good person, lol. I think you would be surprised how many.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by bozzchem

Who will organize this rebellion?

How will it get started and how would it avoid the present police state in America?

Apparently you aren't familiar with the lone wolf theory that scares these bastards so much.

There is no organization. It's just a single individual pissed off enough who has a list of those in need of being taken out and said individual acts upon said list.

An 800m shot, pick up the brass and head home.

Not that I condone nor think of such things. Barbaric!

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