posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:33 PM
I looked out my window today and noticed 4 planes flying, staggered one after the other. Three had the same size contrails while the fourth had a
much shorter contrail. Also visible were 2 other contrails that had not dissipated yet and the contrails were not staying long at all, so those 2
other planes had passed by a short time before. The planes were flying sort of northeast to southwest. I took several pictures but have no idea how
to put pictures on here. I transferred the pictures from the camera to the computer and looked out the window again, and there were 2 more planes
flying in the same direction and one coming sort of from the north and headed in the same area as the other planes had gone. With all the talk of
missiles lately, it made me wonder if something was going on.
Also, maybe a half hour later a plane went from sort of north headed in the same direction as the others with a strange contrail. Part of it was
straight and slightly above another contrail that was more wavy. It made me wonder if there were 2 planes there, but I could only see one. I have no
idea how a plane could put out 2 different contrails at the same time. Any ideas?
I live way, way up in the northeast. There are no big cities or anything around here. I often see 2 planes flying together, but never have seen 4
like this before. I assume they are military. Is there anyway to find out if I am in some sort of flight path for military or even regular
airlines? Any idea why so many planes were flying in the same direction like this so close together in time. Total within about a half hour, I saw
approximately 10 planes.